writh reviewed The Crown by Kiera Cass (The Selection)
Review of 'The Crown' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
See my reviews of The Selection and The Heir. Everything I said there holds for this book as well.
Paperback, 336 pages
Polish language
Published June 11, 2016 by Jaguar.
Eadlyn still isn’t sure she’ll find the fairytale ending her parents did twenty years ago. But sometimes the heart has a way of surprising you…and soon Eadlyn must make a choice that feels more impossible—and more important—than she ever imagined
See my reviews of The Selection and The Heir. Everything I said there holds for this book as well.
Es más bien un 2,5 pero es que no ha llegado a convencerme lo suficiente para las tres estrellas.
Las relaciones entre personajes me parecen forzadas, personajes irreales y poco creíbles. Sé que hay mucho fans de esta saga, yo misma de la trilogía original, pero esta segunda bilogía me ha hecho aguas desde el principio.
I'm literally just so glad this book is over so I don't have to keep bringing it with me to work. It was the slowest bad book I have ever read.