Jessie rated Kiss Her Once for Me: 4 stars

Kiss Her Once for Me by Alison Cochrun
One year ago, recent Portland transplant Ellie Oliver had her dream job in animation and a Christmas Eve meet-cute with …
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One year ago, recent Portland transplant Ellie Oliver had her dream job in animation and a Christmas Eve meet-cute with …
Natalya Fox has twenty-four hours to make the biggest choice of her life: stay home in NYC for the summer …
My new mission in life is to read more books where the fat girl gets to kick butt.
Utterly charming. Young Frankie is astonished to discover that they have been chosen as the next potential Dog Knight--protector of the universe from gremlins and shadow beings. But first, they have to pass six trials, which will force them to make difficult choices that define who they truly are. This is a gentle story (gremlins don't die when hit with a magic sword, but instead temporarily "poof" out of existence) with lots of heart. Highly recommend to fans of classic fantasy tropes, adventure stories, quality LGBTQ+ representation, and of course, dogs.
I wish I were half as funny as Samantha Irby.
This book took me six entire months to read, solely because the middle section is just. so. boring. that I struggled to motivate myself to pick it back up. Part I, The Royal Childhood, is somewhat interesting, and Part Three, The Meghan Stuff, has some of the royal drama I was hoping for. But my God, is Part Two, The Military Stuff, dull. If I had to read one more chapter about like, shooting at the enemy or whatever, I was going to scream. I do not give a single shit about a military helicopter. Stop with that nonsense. I almost DNFed multiple times but I held on for my girl Meghan.
I honestly don't remember much about the beginning because it's been so long; I only remember that I bought the audiobook, couldn't stand Harry's narration for some reason, and promptly switched to the physical book. The Meghan stuff …
This book took me six entire months to read, solely because the middle section is just. so. boring. that I struggled to motivate myself to pick it back up. Part I, The Royal Childhood, is somewhat interesting, and Part Three, The Meghan Stuff, has some of the royal drama I was hoping for. But my God, is Part Two, The Military Stuff, dull. If I had to read one more chapter about like, shooting at the enemy or whatever, I was going to scream. I do not give a single shit about a military helicopter. Stop with that nonsense. I almost DNFed multiple times but I held on for my girl Meghan.
I honestly don't remember much about the beginning because it's been so long; I only remember that I bought the audiobook, couldn't stand Harry's narration for some reason, and promptly switched to the physical book. The Meghan stuff is mildly interesting; a lot of it I already knew from the Oprah interview, but I will say, the book is at its most enjoyable when the two of them are happy together.
The writing style is, to put it mildly, melodramatic. When Harry sees a photo of Meghan for the first time, for example, he starts reflecting on the nature of beauty? Calm down, Drama Prince. At another point, during the famous (and absolutely cringe) section about his frostbitten penis, a doctor tells him "time heals" and Harry is all "that's not my experience." Like, we get it, dude, you never properly grieved your mother. While discussing your frozen member is probably not the time to bring that up. Conclusion? Harry's ghostwriter is a bit pretentious.
Oh, also, if you're thinking of reading this, maybe just reflect for a little while on Why the British Press Is Bad. That's...pretty much what the whole thing is about, and you can save yourself some time by just thinking, like, "paps bad" a few hundred times.
Overall, I did not enjoy reading this book and would not recommend it to others. Books about fictional royals are way more fun; the real royals are all miserable and we should do away with the entire institution.
CONCLUSION: Abolish the monarchy.
I did once have a friend come out to me in a Buffalo Wild Wings parking lot, so I love the subtitle for that reason.
I have followed J.P. Brammer on Twitter for many years, and I always enjoy his humor and insight. This book is no different! I often found myself staring into the middle distance, thinking about the conclusion to a chapter for a while before moving on to the next chapter. I liked structuring the essays as responses to fictional advice column letters, but it did throw me off occasionally how he addressed said fictional letter writers by their pen names mid-essay, since I had often forgotten those names by that point. Still, there is much to think about here, including race and sexuality, but also depression, love, and the human condition overall. A great read.