John Paul Brammer: Hola Papi (Paperback, Simon & Schuster) 4 stars

Review of 'Hola Papi' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I did once have a friend come out to me in a Buffalo Wild Wings parking lot, so I love the subtitle for that reason.

I have followed J.P. Brammer on Twitter for many years, and I always enjoy his humor and insight. This book is no different! I often found myself staring into the middle distance, thinking about the conclusion to a chapter for a while before moving on to the next chapter. I liked structuring the essays as responses to fictional advice column letters, but it did throw me off occasionally how he addressed said fictional letter writers by their pen names mid-essay, since I had often forgotten those names by that point. Still, there is much to think about here, including race and sexuality, but also depression, love, and the human condition overall. A great read.