Interzone #282 (July-August 2019)


English language

Published July 14, 2019 by TTA Press.

4 stars (1 review)

1 edition

A better than average issue of Interzone.

4 stars

A better than average issue filled with fascinating stories. The best of the good stories are by Storm Humbert, Erica L. Satifka and Gregor Hartmann.

  • "Verum" by Storm Humbert: a cracker of a story about a man who can craft entire stories (sights, sounds, feelings) into a serum called verum that, when injected, allows a person to experience a story. But when a girl comes along and crafts even better stories than him and starts taking away his customers, his feels he has no choice but to steal her methods. But in the end, overlooked clues would turn him into helping her out at the end.

  • "Can You Tell Me How to Get to Apocalypse?" by Erica L. Satifka: in an apocalyptic future, one woman is in charge of getting the children ready for a broadcast children's show. Only thing is, the children are already dead and animated with implanted …