Under the skin

English language

Published Oct. 29, 2014 by Canongate.

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4 stars (27 reviews)

The novel centres around a female character, Isserly, who seems to be obsessed with picking up male hitch-hikers, as long as they are muscular and fit. As the story unfolds, the reader comes to realise that Isserly's motives are rather unusual.

12 editions

Review of 'Under the skin' on Goodreads

4 stars

Would have been 3-stars, but it is well structured, paced and with a uniform tension that this other-wise perfectly-average, perfectly-good novel gets one more for novel-craft.

Somewhat interesting - but novels are supposed to be, so nothing special there. Some vaguely novel ideas - but that's what you'd expect from a novel, so nothing special there, either.

All in all, a well done, perfectly readable, otherwise average novel.

Review of 'Under the Skin' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I read this as soon as I caught a trailer for an upcoming film version. The film, by Jonathan Glazer, looked so visually intriguing and so rich in mystery that I was pulled right in... and I'm so glad I read the book first. Unfortunately, the film has almost nothing to do with Faber's novel. It's as though Glazer read the novel and liked it so much he decided to color it's pages over with a crayon and present it to the world.

The novel, however, is excellent. There are moments when it conveys that same Marxist dread Kazuo Ishiguro portrays in Never Let Me Go. In fact, the two novels are in interesting dialogue and I highly recommend one after the other.

I can't go into plot detail because so much of this story comes across in a slow yet compelling reveal from start to finish (even as the …

Review of 'Under the Skin' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I must admit to discovering this book through news of the film adaptation being made, starring Scarlett Johansson. I'm in two minds about movie adaptations - I used to prefer watching the movie first before reading the book it's based on, having been disappointed by how "Lost World" didn't live up to the novel, but more recently have been won over to the opinion that having deep background from having read the book rather complements the experience of seeing the movie adaptation.

That being said, the plot of this book -- and it's setting -- is too intriguing to defer reading until the movie comes out. Scotland's bleak (yet beautiful) landscape is pretty much the perfect setting for a novel in which the protagonist (?) is an alien preying on humans ... intriguing as a social commentary in itself. Faber managed to make us sympathize with her all throughout -- …

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  • Hitchhiking
  • Fiction
