slow to start but then a page turner
4 stars
It started a little slow, but about a third way through the story really took off and it became hard to put down.
Scott Lynch: Gli inganni di Locke Lamora (Hardcover, Italiano language, 2007, Nord)
Hardcover, 607 pages
Italiano language
Published Sept. 1, 2007 by Nord.
Piccolo di statura, deboluccio e un po' imbranato con la spada, Locke Lamora ha però un grande punto di forza: nessuno lo può battere quanto ad astuzia e abilità truffaldina. E benché sia vero che ruba ai ricchi nessun povero ha mai visto un soldo bucato dei suoi furti. Tutto ciò su cui mette le mani lo tiene per sé e per i Bastardi Galantuomini, la sua banda. A suo modo, Locke è il re di Camorr, una città che sembra nata dall'acqua, ornata di migliaia di ponti e di sontuosi palazzi barocchi e popolata da mercanti, soldati, accattoni e, ovviamente, ladri. In realtà, Camorr è il dominio di Capa Barsavi, perversa mente criminale, che da qualche tempo è impegnato in una lotta senza quartiere con il Re Grigio, altro personaggio decisamente poco raccomandabile. Impiccione per natura, Locke si ritrova suo malgrado in mezzo a questo scontro di titani e …
Piccolo di statura, deboluccio e un po' imbranato con la spada, Locke Lamora ha però un grande punto di forza: nessuno lo può battere quanto ad astuzia e abilità truffaldina. E benché sia vero che ruba ai ricchi nessun povero ha mai visto un soldo bucato dei suoi furti. Tutto ciò su cui mette le mani lo tiene per sé e per i Bastardi Galantuomini, la sua banda. A suo modo, Locke è il re di Camorr, una città che sembra nata dall'acqua, ornata di migliaia di ponti e di sontuosi palazzi barocchi e popolata da mercanti, soldati, accattoni e, ovviamente, ladri. In realtà, Camorr è il dominio di Capa Barsavi, perversa mente criminale, che da qualche tempo è impegnato in una lotta senza quartiere con il Re Grigio, altro personaggio decisamente poco raccomandabile. Impiccione per natura, Locke si ritrova suo malgrado in mezzo a questo scontro di titani e rischia di lasciarci le penne. Anche perché il suo misterioso passato nasconde un segreto che può mettere in pericolo l'intera nazione camorrana...
It started a little slow, but about a third way through the story really took off and it became hard to put down.
I'd tell you 1, 2, 3 or 5 stars. I'd tell you I wasn't entertained. I'd tell you I wasn't captivated by the prose. ...But I'd be lying.
I don't want to spoil anything here, so I'll just say that if you're a grown-up and are okay with grown-up imagery and language, there's really no reason you should pass on this book. It's got a story that will engage you emotionally, relatable characters, steady character growth, an expansive world that feels alive, and 2 sequels thus far. If I had a Mount Rushmore of first novels in the fantasy genre, this would probably have a spot.
These days, very few books keep me up until 2 at night. This one did it for me.
In a fantasy city inspired by Venice in the Renaissance, Locke Lamora is a thief. Not any common thief though, he's been brought up to be the BEST thief, along with his crew. He made me think of Arsène Lupin or Fantômas (minus the sadistic approach—which is taken by Lamora's enemies).
The action is fast-paced, the world is well made, but I regret that almost all major characters are men.
The kind of book that you just can't put down with a set of characters that you actually give a damn about. Best fantasy I have read in a long while.
So. This was mediocre. It wasn't all bad, but it also wasn't good.
The characters were hard to imagine visually for me because there weren't that much descriptive words given (in summary, one's short and lithe, one's tall and fat, two look the same as each other, and the last is a teen) and their behaviour was often inconclusive age-wise - and they also were not too facetted concerning character. The only character I got a better idea of and therefore favoured greatly was the one who was already dead in the story's present-day world. Also, it took the book about 200 pages to actually qualify as a fantasy novel in the way that "fantastic" things happened on page - before that it was basically a variety of Robin Hood and his Merry Men, thiefing about in an imaginary Venice instead of Sherwood Forest and not sharing with the poor …
So. This was mediocre. It wasn't all bad, but it also wasn't good.
The characters were hard to imagine visually for me because there weren't that much descriptive words given (in summary, one's short and lithe, one's tall and fat, two look the same as each other, and the last is a teen) and their behaviour was often inconclusive age-wise - and they also were not too facetted concerning character. The only character I got a better idea of and therefore favoured greatly was the one who was already dead in the story's present-day world. Also, it took the book about 200 pages to actually qualify as a fantasy novel in the way that "fantastic" things happened on page - before that it was basically a variety of Robin Hood and his Merry Men, thiefing about in an imaginary Venice instead of Sherwood Forest and not sharing with the poor that much. At page 350, the actual story started. Having read a lot of fantasy, I can't say the author managed to surprise me though he seems to be a fan of "unexpected twists" and trying to "gotcha" the reader a lot. What he did manage was to put in the worst and most corny final dialogue in a death scene obviously meant to be touching that I've read in a long time (i.e. Bug's death scene).
What I liked about the book were the "flashbacks" to the younger years of the Gentlemen Bastards - I would have enjoyed a whole book about that very much, I think. Also, I would have liked the architecture of a previous people populating the world to be more than just a backdrop because the idea behind this was quite intriguing. And I'm also somewhat partial to the idea of "true names" as the basis of magic systems. Last not least, let me say I enjoyed the fact that basically all female (secondary) characters were interesting and independent beings in their own right, as far as could be seen.
So, three stars and a quarter, I'd say. The author was kind enough not to end this book on a cliff-hanger, and so I feel completely at peace to let the surviving characters sail off to whatever they'll be up to next - and not find out what that might be.
Review to come.
4.5 stelle e mezzo. La mia opinione, seppur striminzita, è nei commenti.
Not too bad for a magic heavy fantasy novel. Intricate world building and fascinating characters. Magic was a problem though. Longer review to come. Audiobook narration was top notch.
This was an excellent book and a great counterpoint to the last book I read (a detective novel). The characters and plot are top-notch and the setting is quite interesting too. While this is part of a series, this book feels very complete. I'm not sure how the story will progress beyond the first book, but there is at least one element left open that I think may be addressed. I will certainly be reading the other books in this series.
My full review is on my blog: