LemmiSchmoeker reviewed The Tale of Mr. Tod by Beatrix Potter
Review of 'The Tale of Mr. Tod' on 'Storygraph'
2 stars
When I visited Cumbria, it was impossible to enter even the shabbiest cot without being told what Potter had done here at some point in her life. Every village had a Beatrix Potter house (“Beatrix Potter once had tea with Arthur Ransome at this very place”), and seemingly everything from roads to flowers and dishes had been named after her.
While I had heard of her before, I hadn't been aware that she was such a phenomenon. So naturally, when I accidentally found this book a year or so later, I couldn't restrain myself and had to grab it.
Unfortunately, it didn't do anything for me. The paintings, while beautifully detailed, lack character, and the writing is drawn out and without any suspense whatsoever.