Alison ha amato e temuto suo padre Bruce, un uomo enigmatico, distaccato,perfezionista. Gli altri membri della famiglia non sono da meno: a casa Bechdel la dedizione all'arte nelle sue varie espressioni, e il consolatorioappagamento che può offrire, hanno sostituito il calore e il nutrimento di unavera "casa". La distanza tra padre e figlia potrebbe finalmente dissolversi quando i due si confessano il segreto che li accomuna, l'omosessualità. Questo spiraglio verso una più profonda comunione, però, si richiude drasticamente: Bruce muore, forse per un tragico incidente o forse per un atto disperato. Alla figlia non resta che immergersi in un viaggio nella memoria, penoso e appassionato al tempo stesso, per ricomporre e rielaborare la propria storia e quella della sua famiglia. Fun Home è il diario di questo viaggio, un memoir a fumetti in cui la ricchezza dei testi dialoga con l'eloquenza del disegno. Alison Bechdel sa fondere la finezza dell'ironia, …
Alison ha amato e temuto suo padre Bruce, un uomo enigmatico, distaccato,perfezionista. Gli altri membri della famiglia non sono da meno: a casa Bechdel la dedizione all'arte nelle sue varie espressioni, e il consolatorioappagamento che può offrire, hanno sostituito il calore e il nutrimento di unavera "casa". La distanza tra padre e figlia potrebbe finalmente dissolversi quando i due si confessano il segreto che li accomuna, l'omosessualità. Questo spiraglio verso una più profonda comunione, però, si richiude drasticamente: Bruce muore, forse per un tragico incidente o forse per un atto disperato. Alla figlia non resta che immergersi in un viaggio nella memoria, penoso e appassionato al tempo stesso, per ricomporre e rielaborare la propria storia e quella della sua famiglia. Fun Home è il diario di questo viaggio, un memoir a fumetti in cui la ricchezza dei testi dialoga con l'eloquenza del disegno. Alison Bechdel sa fondere la finezza dell'ironia, delle citazioni, dei riferimenti letterari con la brutale onestà necessaria per raccontare le tensioni sotterranee della vita familiare e i conflitti che accompagnano la presa di coscienza della propria identità sessuale. Fun Home è la prova della maturità di una narratrice. E un esempio della potenza espressiva del graphic novel contemporaneo.
Relectura. La primera vez que lo leí fue como en 2014 y me gustó mucho, aunque se me hacían muy pesadas las referencias literarias. Ahora, supongo que porque las conozco, me han parecido un buen hilo conductor. Es un cómic muy bueno, buen ritmo, escritura impecable, no me hubiese importado leerlo sin imágenes. Igual la única pega es esa, que en gran medida las imágenes siguen a la escritura y hasta ahí su función. Un buen coming of age con bien de claustrofobia y orbitando alrededor de la figura del padre: mi tipo de movida.
This is a book that had been recommended to me by many people, and I finally got a chance to read it recently. The book has won enough acclaim that it doesn't need me to pile on, but as someone who doesn't read a lot of graphic works, I was struck at how essential the "graphic-ness" (?!) was to telling the story. I'm not sure the book would have been as effective if it was only told with words, but Bechdel's chosen medium is potent and convincing. The book itself is rich and displays Bechdel's erudition and love of literature. I went in thinking this would be a book that I would respect, and came out loving it.
Review of 'Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
I feel like I'm being more generous with 5-star reviews lately. Maybe I'm selecting reading material better?
I can't just say that this is well written and beautifully illustrated. I am amazed by how much love is shown in a portrait that doesn't gloss over (at all) the flawed character of the father.
Review of 'Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic' on 'Goodreads'
3 stars
Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic is a graphic memoir that chronicles the childhood of Alison Bechdel, growing up in rural Pennsylvania and her complicated relationships with her father. Alison Bechdel is best known as the person whom the Bechdel test was named after. The Bechdel test is a simple method that can be used to determine if a work of fiction (or movie) is gender biased. To pass the Bechdel test there must be at least two women, who talk to each other about something other than men.
Fun Home is a non-linear account of Alison Bechdel’s childhood with a strong focus on her relationship with her father. A complex relationship, Bruce Bechdel was a funeral director and a high school English teacher. He was obsessed with restoring the family’s Victorian home and often viewed his children as free labour. He was often cold and prone to abusive rage, Alison’s …
Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic is a graphic memoir that chronicles the childhood of Alison Bechdel, growing up in rural Pennsylvania and her complicated relationships with her father. Alison Bechdel is best known as the person whom the Bechdel test was named after. The Bechdel test is a simple method that can be used to determine if a work of fiction (or movie) is gender biased. To pass the Bechdel test there must be at least two women, who talk to each other about something other than men.
Fun Home is a non-linear account of Alison Bechdel’s childhood with a strong focus on her relationship with her father. A complex relationship, Bruce Bechdel was a funeral director and a high school English teacher. He was obsessed with restoring the family’s Victorian home and often viewed his children as free labour. He was often cold and prone to abusive rage, Alison’s relationship with her father was a difficult one. At 44, he stepped in front of a truck and was killed; while never confirmed, Alison believed her father completed suicide.
After his death, Alison discovered her father was a closeted homosexual who had sexual relationships with his students and babysitters. Alongside this, Fun Home follows Alison’s own struggle with her sexual identity,coming out to her parents before actually knowing her sexual preferences. The graphic novel centres on Alison Bechdel’s thoughts about whether her decision to come out triggered her father’s suicide.
This is a fascinating insight into the mind of Alison Bechdel, not only as a memoir but the struggles that she faced while trying to understand her own identity. Drawn in a gothic style, Bechdel uses blue shading to give her art a dramatic feel. She even uses childhood diary entries to help capture the mood and feel. The dramatic artwork and emotionally charged writing complement each other and really help drive the story.
While I enjoyed Blue is the Warmest Color more as a coming of age story and a struggle with sexuality, Fun Home still remains a wonderful graphic memoir than really packs an emotional punch. Graphic novels and memoirs often get pushed aside and disregarded as works of literature but every now and then comes a work of art that proves this idea wrong. It happened with Art Spiegelman’s Maus and Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi; but Fun Home seemed to be the most common example that comics (I use the term comic as a catch all for graphic novels and memoirs as well) need to be taken more seriously.
I have been reading more comics of late and I have been impressed with the way art and writing can work together to tell a story. I like these graphic novels/memoirs that capture raw emotion, in the writing or art and I am trying to find more like this. While comics by Marvel and DC are a lot of fun, there are so many other works out there that explores this art from an interesting and new way. I really enjoyed Fun Home, it wasn’t a comfortable read but the experience was well worth the effort.
Review of 'Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
This has to be one of the best books I have read this year. Alison Bechdel's autobiographical narrative of her coming of age, dealing with her coming out as a lesbian as well as her relationship with her father is an excellent work. The work has some humor, and it is also very moving at times. The art does an excellent job of going along with a narrative that draws on classical literature to build the story. In one way, it makes you want to go out and read some of the books mentioned in this graphic novel.
I borrowed this one from the library, but this is definitely a work I want to add to my personal collection, so I will be buying a copy down the road. This graphic novel definitely belongs on any list of "best graphic novels." This is also a great example of "LGBT" literature, …
This has to be one of the best books I have read this year. Alison Bechdel's autobiographical narrative of her coming of age, dealing with her coming out as a lesbian as well as her relationship with her father is an excellent work. The work has some humor, and it is also very moving at times. The art does an excellent job of going along with a narrative that draws on classical literature to build the story. In one way, it makes you want to go out and read some of the books mentioned in this graphic novel.
I borrowed this one from the library, but this is definitely a work I want to add to my personal collection, so I will be buying a copy down the road. This graphic novel definitely belongs on any list of "best graphic novels." This is also a great example of "LGBT" literature, and it should be on any such reading list as well. But it is not just an "LGBT" work. I think the experiences of growing up, of discovery, of dealing with a family that may not be totally functional, are all universal elements. I definitely recommend this one.