Catene di gloria

Paperback, 512 pages

Italiano language

Published Nov. 8, 2023 by Sur.

Copied ISBN!
4 stars (15 reviews)

Un romanzo figlio del postmodernismo, della tradizione afroamericana, della cultura dei videogiochi, della televisione sportiva; ma soprattutto intriso di quel sentimento di protesta radicale e immaginifico che ha animato la migliore controcultura americana.

In una surreale versione degli Stati Uniti del prossimo futuro dove il sistema carcerario è totalmente privatizzato, «Catene di gloria» è un format televisivo di enorme successo: i detenuti e le detenute, invece di scontare la pena, possono decidere di sfidarsi a morte in un grande torneo di gladiatori (con annesso reality show), guadagnandosi duello dopo duello la libertà. Nessuno è mai arrivato al traguardo, ma Loretta Thurwar, guerriera formidabile e superstar del programma, è a un passo dal riuscirci. Solo che, per lei e per la donna che ama – un'altra sanguinaria gladiatrice – di colpo le regole del gioco stanno per cambiare... «Catene di gloria» si legge al tempo stesso come uno scatenato romanzo d'azione …

13 editions


5 stars

Ultraviolent prison abolition set in an immediate future where our societal capacity to inflict pain is only limited by death. Our characters are flawed violent criminals given by the author a full capacity for love and loss and trauma without any easy redemption.

Personal aside, it's six years since Begley's "Concussion Protocol" short video ended my watching American Football. The only parts of this book that are a little faint or maybe subtle are the few views outside of the penal world, and implicate so much more of our lives, in how our jobs and our passions and corporate interests deaden us to pain of others.

Sci-fi romance from an organizer for Prison Abolition

5 stars

Content warning Describes vaguely how the book ends

Review of 'Chain-Gang All-Stars' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I wanted to give this 5 stars, but I’ve got a little too many nitpicks for it. I think this is a great read, very compelling, very well written on a sentence and chapter level. I love literary writing plus SFF when it’s done right, and this was done (mostly) right.

For me the author’s short story past was a plus. I felt like each chapter was well structured in a way you often don’t see in novels, and I attribute that at least partially to his experience with short stories. I didn’t mind the scale of POVs for the most part. The one-off chapters from Lasser and Mickey Wright were great.

The arc of Thurwar and Staxxx is the best part. Their love story (to be clear they are partners at the start, but we root for them), their conclusion, what they go through together. I predicted some of …

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