loppear started reading Transcendent Kingdom by Yaa Gyasi

Transcendent Kingdom by Yaa Gyasi
Yaa Gyasi's stunning follow-up to her acclaimed national best seller “Homegoing” is a powerful, raw, intimate, deeply layered novel about …
Reading for fun, threads over the years of scifi, history, social movements and justice, farming, philosophy. I actively work to balance out the white male default in what I read, but have a long way to go.
He/they for the praxis.
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12% complete! loppear has read 10 of 80 books.
Yaa Gyasi's stunning follow-up to her acclaimed national best seller “Homegoing” is a powerful, raw, intimate, deeply layered novel about …
'Vivid, enigmatic, enchanting' M. L. Rio 'Irresistible' Sunday Times
Some people think foxes go around collecting qi, or life force, …
A bizarrely imaginative and gripping queer climate road novel deeply evoking its two narrative poles in Ethiopia and India, querying class and privilege and sexual violence.
Churchill and the Blitz, with source material from many ancillary characters who might have been more fascinating as the focus, which is tightly on Churchill's movements in his first year as PM. Necessarily selective while trying to add color and context from family, secretaries, and Germans, this doesn't tie up well for me but is nonetheless well written and researched.
Douglas W. Tallamy’s first book, Bringing Nature Home, awakened thousands of readers to an urgent situation: wildlife populations are in …
To fix the world they must first break it, further. Humanity is a dying breed, utterly reliant on artificial labor …
@bremner@book.dansmonorage.blue this is reminiscent, and I love Valente's snark so yes, that was my expectation in part, but this promises a more somber dark and jarring humor. The difference between Eurovision and a misfits jazz bar house trio.
Shortlisted for the 2022 Booker Prize
"A hypnotic and electrifying Irish tale that transcends country, transcends time." —Lily King, New …
Loved the world setting and intensity of the determined women leads in an epic murder-magic-catastrophe, though the whodunnit procedural hunt for obscured informants plodded some for me.
Madcap mashup of music theory appreciation, 80s mech battles, queer and starstruck. The first third's dry and cataclysmic wit at the end of the world shifts to a somewhat more conventional (?) military space soap opera rom com, I do wish it had kept the gay piano bar Douglas Adams vibe more prominent.
Firmly middle-grade enjoyment - exploration and unexpected encounters in a mixed-up magical wizards house and realm. The plot races in at the end thick and rapidly dispatched.
Framing the history of psychiatric definitions of normality in their origins of eugenics, racism, and capitalist to neoliberal emphasis on individual ranking and pathologizing of the ab-normal. Rounds it out with a broad view of the neurodiversity movement in response to the mass-disabling of round-the-clock capitalist consumerist desires and inequalities.
@OneMillionMice for sure, I've got a big fierce stack of AK for the year ahead. Haymarket Books similarly.