
Published by NineStar Press.

1 star (1 review)

Nobody leaves Queen. On the tidally locked, women-only planet, a vulva and an authority problem are the only immigration requirements. Emigration is banned.

Ember spends her days cruising Queen’s endless sand dunes, hunting sand pirates and wallowing in memories of her dead wife. After an ambush, Ember is dragged to the pirate camp and learns her wife’s biggest secret—before her death, she’d joined the pirates, built an illegal spaceship, and plotted to leave the planet.

Ember’s sister, Nadia, hatches a desperate rescue that leads her to the very edge of the habitable zone. There, Nadia stumbles across other secrets kept—a flourishing, impossible ecosystem and a New Earth mining installation. Queen’s hidden resource, highly sought after and limited, should have made its inhabitants rich. Instead, Queen’s scientists live in decaying houses, battle the elements, and struggle to eke out a living.

Ember, Nadia, and the sand pirates must take back the …

1 edition

Had potential, but feels undercooked

1 star

Picked it up in the hopes of good intersex representation. It does have an intersex character with an actual intersex variation.

The world-building felt very incomplete and implausible in ways that kept interrupting my suspension of disbelief (e.g. it opens with "humans can survive without vegetation"... no we can't). I found the pace to be plodding and the main character to be just too unlikeable for me to want to know what would happen to her.

From the book descripton, I'd expected it would be an intersex take on the "woman-only society" subgenre, but it didn't really go there in a meaningful way. It instead tried to be a space colonization story, but it lacked the worldbuilding to pull it off. This book had potential - there could have been a great horror story here - but seemed to suffer from poor quality editing.

Would rate 1.5 /5 if I …