Intersex Book Club picks Public

Created by interlibraryprone and managed by Intersex Book Club

Picks of the Intersex Book Club: In chronological order from oldest to newest

  1. interlibraryprone says:

    June 2023 pick. A fun (and also tragic) read, though the intersex representation turned out to be rather implicit. Review here:

  2. The Deep by , , , and 1 other

    4 stars

    Yetu holds the memories for her people—water-dwelling descendants of pregnant African slave women thrown overboard by slave owners—who live idyllic …

    interlibraryprone says:

    July 2023 pick. A solid and memorable novella with implicit intersex representation. Review:

  3. The Left Hand of Darkness by  (Hainish Cycle)

    4 stars

    On the planet Winter, there is no gender. The Gethenians can become male or female during each mating cycle, and …

    interlibraryprone says:

    Aug 2023 pick. A sci-fi classic for good reason, and thick with intersex themes that seem under-appreciated by the queer sci/fi community. Our review/analysis:

  4. Transgender and intersex: Theoretical, practical, and artistic perspectives by 

    No rating

    This book takes both transgender and intersex positions into account and asks about commonalities and strategic alliances in terms of …

    interlibraryprone says:

    Nov 2023 pick. We read chapters 1, 4 & 5. Insightful and thought-provoking. Review:

  5. Queen by 

    1 star

    Nobody leaves Queen. On the tidally locked, women-only planet, a vulva and an authority problem are the only immigration requirements. …

    interlibraryprone says:

    This was our Oct 2023 pick, and unfortunately nobody really liked it. Review here:

  6. Across the Green Grass Fields by  (Wayward Children, #6)

    4 stars

    A young girl discovers a portal to a land filled with centaurs and unicorns in Seanan McGuire's Across the Green …

    interlibraryprone says:

    Dec 2023 pick. High quality intersex (AIS) representation by a perisex author. A fun novella that could have done better on the anti-bullying messaging. Review:

  7. Power to Yield and Other Stories by 

    5 stars

    Power to Yield is a collection of speculative tales exploring gender identity, neurodivergence, and religion from author Bogi Takács, who …

    interlibraryprone says:

    Feb 2024 pick. Only time we've spent the whole book club session gushing about the book. Two thumbs up. Review:

  8. interlibraryprone says:

    The first half was our pick for January 2024, then the second half we read for March 2024. Incredibly insightful but also harrowing in a way that cannot be avoided in providing a history of colonialism and intersexism. (Review is pending.)

  9. interlibraryprone says:

    Our April 2024 pick. Had some good stories but was not as good as Takács' latest short story collection (Power to Yield).

  10. Icarus by 

    4 stars

    Perfect for fans of Adam Silvera and Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, this suspenseful queer YA …

    interlibraryprone says:

    Our May 2024 pick! Join us =)

  11. interlibraryprone says:

    Our pick for June 2024. Join us! =)

  12. Intersex (for lack of a better word) by 

    4 stars

    Intersex (For Lack of a Better Word) chronicles one person’s search for self in a world obsessed with normal. What …

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