Does It Count If You Lose Your Virginity to an Android? Vol. 2 Review
3 stars
This volume starts off by building a bit into the mystery behind Nadeshiko. She’s clearly advanced tech - beyond anything Akane is aware of - but her maker is a mystery that the volume slowly drop feeds at different spots in the volume. The mystery is interesting, but remains so firmly in the background of the story that it’s more an afterthought. While the virtual gathering of sexadroid owners at the very beginning had some fun bits, it was a bit of a letdown from what I imagined from the ending of vol 1, and it barely takes a chapter. Instead, the majority of the time is spent building Akane and Nadeshiko’s relationship, getting Akane more used to and embracing of Nadeshiko’s presence, whether she’s conscious of it or not. Oh, and tons of smut. Good stuff, though it may have taken up too much of the page time for …
This volume starts off by building a bit into the mystery behind Nadeshiko. She’s clearly advanced tech - beyond anything Akane is aware of - but her maker is a mystery that the volume slowly drop feeds at different spots in the volume. The mystery is interesting, but remains so firmly in the background of the story that it’s more an afterthought. While the virtual gathering of sexadroid owners at the very beginning had some fun bits, it was a bit of a letdown from what I imagined from the ending of vol 1, and it barely takes a chapter. Instead, the majority of the time is spent building Akane and Nadeshiko’s relationship, getting Akane more used to and embracing of Nadeshiko’s presence, whether she’s conscious of it or not. Oh, and tons of smut. Good stuff, though it may have taken up too much of the page time for the story minded. I’ve already read the next volume by the time I’m writing this, and this volume definitely feels like a higher concentration of on page sex. The one part that I wasn’t thrilled with was when Akane regressed age-wise mentally while she was sick. I could have done without that, or maybe if it was done differently. Ah well. Still a good volume, overall.