

Paperback, 696 pages

chinese language

Published by 重庆出版社.

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4 stars (14 reviews)

红伦敦——受魔法保护的平衡世界 灰伦敦——残酷的平凡世界 白伦敦——权力的代表、绝对的控制 黑伦敦——被瘟疫毁灭、世界隔绝的魔力源头 数百年前,连通伦敦世界间的大门打开,世界平衡稳定。可好景不长,人类对权力的渴求、对魔力无止尽的索求、欲望的膨胀招致黑伦敦陷落,魔法随之消失。人们关上了往来的大门裹足不前,指派所剩无几的被魔法选中的“旅行者”穿梭其间,以信件交流信息。

失去安塔芮的红伦敦陷入混乱,自称为“神”的邪恶阴影控制整座城市,意图逼迫众人屈服,夺取这个世界。 莱拉孤身前往白伦敦,救回伤痕累累的凯尔。两人返回红伦敦后,却发现世界早已变得千疮百孔。他们不得不扬帆远航,去寻找胜利的希望。 接二连三的打击、被迫的成长、惨痛的背叛,悲痛中的莱不得不背负起整个王国的重任,孤守王宫,决不放弃,保卫他的红伦敦……

2 editions


5 stars

Fast paced fantasy, deep and resonant characters, lovely magic system, and a fascinating world I want so much more of. I wish all fantasy was this rich. Only thing I’d add is a splash more nonviolent solutions to add weight to the violence. There were some gaps and frayed ends here and there, but over three expansive novels, a few misses are easy to forgive.

reviewed A Conjuring of Light by V. E. Schwab (Shades of Magic, #3)

Review of 'A Conjuring of Light' on 'Goodreads'

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As the previous book ended on a massive cliffhanger, this book started of in an epic battle, so it was boring already from the start. The rest of the book felt like tying up all the bits and ends and I was bored.
It is probably more in the eyes of the reader than the book as events did happen, it's just that I felt done with the series.

In the first book I loved how the relationships between characters influenced how the characters acted, in the last book it felt to me like the characters did the only thing possible regardless of who they had been in order to solve the doom and end the battle.

Review of 'A Conjuring of Light' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

A Gathering of Shadows has such a cliffhanger there was no way I wasn't going to prioritise the final instalment. Kell and Rhy's lives hang in the balance and the dark magic that destroyed Black London is loose in Red London.

I like that Holland isn't a straight out bad guy. Kell has always felt sympathy for him, realising he could so easily have been in his place. Holland's backstory is revealed, telling how he ended up a slave for the harsh monarchs of White London. It's not easy to like him, but I can understand why he did the things he did. He just wanted his freedom, to no longer be a puppet, his is a sad tale.

The demise of characters I thought I didn't care about ended up the most emotional parts. I wish there had been more of Kell and Lila's backstories, there was a hint …

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