JurjenvanderHelden reviewed The meme machine by Susan J. Blackmore
Review of 'The meme machine' on 'Goodreads'
3 stars
aardig idee, filosofisch niet heel sterk beargumenteerd
Paperback, 264 pages
English language
Published Aug. 22, 2000 by Oxford University Press.
After Richard Dawkins' The Selfish Gene, Susan Blackmore drive us deeply into the theory of the meme, social and cultural "replicators", trying to explain the human unique ability to imitate. Altruism, ideas, human behaviours, sex, poetry, music... seems to be simply the result of such as memetic selection...
Even our inner conscious self and our sense of free will are illlusion created by the memes for the sake of their own replication.
aardig idee, filosofisch niet heel sterk beargumenteerd
Finally, a book on meme theory written for a general audience that is both careful in its analysis and appropriately far-reaching in its discussion of the implications of the concept of memetic selection in arenas such as epistemology, consciousness theory, and human evolution.