Samuel reviewed Arte portuguesa by Paulo Pereira
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A disciplina do curso onde este livro constava na bibliografia foi concluída e o livro foi oferecido ao Arquivo Municipal onde poderá encontrar bem melhor uso !
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A disciplina do curso onde este livro constava na bibliografia foi concluída e o livro foi oferecido ao Arquivo Municipal onde poderá encontrar bem melhor uso !
A book that made me shiver and also a delight. Written when there was still Soviet Union, nowadays with AI surfacing everywhere. At the nanoscale, we still can't be sure what we are creating. When well reach the atom scale in miniaturization, perhaps we'll switch to DNA computers, and then we'll open the Pandora box without knowing it...
On the world called Hyperion, beyond the law of the Hegemony of Man, there waits the creature called the Shrike. …
Almost every thing you wanna now about the history of gunpowder comes in this book. The thing I missed the most was pictures depicting the inner workings of the weapons described.
Well, what I should say about this book's story, or better, six stories. Which is the best? The priest's tale, the scholar or the consul? Perhaps the first, but I'm not going to spoil it. For me, the morbid and the bizarre priest's tale, was the deeply cut me inside. And abiut the end, this only the prologue for the next book, which I'm going to read later
This was the first time ever that I read a book by George. I became a GoT fan after the series last season. What I thought about is prose is that it have as much sex and killings as in the TV. The plots with the treasons and deceits are also remarkable. I already knew some of the story I was going to read. George gives the account of such detail in describing the names of all the involved people in the plot as the name of the house they belong to. It becames too much to swallow inventing names for all of the people. I think I'm not going to try to read another by George unless the books become shorter in length.
After years of struggle, the Foundation lay in ruins -- destroyed by the mutant mind power of the Mule. But …
Led by its founding father, the great psychohistorian Hari Seldon, and taking advantage of its superior science and technology, the …
Offers a history of the rise of Christianity in the classical world that focuses on its terrible cost, in terms …
Entre Portugal y España, esta es una historia de amor, política y traición. Ambientado en la atmósfera de la nobleza española, un capitán al servicio del duque de Medina Sidonia se enamorará de una conspirador,a socavando su plan y el suyo. Con la intención de recomponer el ambiente de la conspiración que trató de dar independencia a la región andaluza, el autor trata de ser fiel a los hechos históricos, pero peca por no poder seguir desarrollando la trama. Faltaba más acción en la narrativa.