Stařec a moře

Hardcover, 112 pages

Czech language

Published 2015 by Odeon.

Copied ISBN!
4 stars (19 reviews)

Ernest Hemingway obdržel Nobelovu cenu „za mistrovství v umění vyprávět, naposledy prokázané v díle Stařec a moře, a za to, jak ovlivnil literární styl své doby.“ Hemingwayova novela se brzy po svém prvním vydání roku 1952 stala jedním ze zásadních děl moderní americké prózy. Z příběhu rybáře, jenž se v nevelkém člunu pouští do zápasu s obrovským marlínem a potom do posledních sil bojuje s přesilou žraloků, kteří napadnou jeho úlovek, dokázal spisovatel na malém prostoru vytvořit existenciální drama o hrdinství, vůli a vnitřní síle.

20 editions

Review of 'The Old Man and the Sea' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

My first Hemingway. I never even realized how short this book was. A very simple story. A nice time. A meditation on stoicism, man’s role in nature (how much are we allowed to take?), etc. I can’t pretend to know what all the deeper meaning is (if there is any), but I enjoyed my time with Santiago a lot.

Definitely will read more Hemingway.

Review of 'The Old Man and the Sea' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

Ernest Hemingway is a very descriptive writer and yet he manages to do this with very few adjectives or adverbs. I just finished The Old Man and The Sea, which I thought was really well written, though the topic wasn’t something I would normally enjoy or relate to. Hemingway really perfected the art of writing and it was a joy to read. Hemingway painted a literary picture which felt like I was right there with the Man and the giant marlin. This technique made this a more emotional story. The old man,Santiago, was considered an unlucky fisherman and the story follows his journey into catching a big fish. I think Hemingway described the book best when he said; “No good book has ever been written that has in it symbols arrived at beforehand and stuck in. … I tried to make a real old man, a real boy, a real …

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