User Profile

asiem Locked account

Joined 1 month, 1 week ago

Hi there! Thanks for stopping by. I am an itinerant marine biologist and conservationist and have worked on different conservation projects in different islands around the world. Currently I work in São Tomé and Príncipe as the Project Manager for an international conservation NGO, developing and managing the conservation programme in-country.

I really enjoy reading, as well as interacting with others who do. I also enjoy bird-watching, star-gazing, and coffee.

I love languages, and my life has been a mosaic of attempts to learn different ones. As of now, I speak around 8, with varying degrees of fluency.

I read when I can, and review intermittently!

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asiem's books

Currently Reading (View all 15)

Gabrielle Zevin: Mañana, y mañana, y mañana (Paperback, Español language, 2023, Alianza Editorial) 4 stars

Una apasionante historia sobre los videojuegos, la amistad y la superación

Un gélido día de …

Review of 'Mañana, y mañana, y mañana' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I liked this book, especially in the first half. Zevin has a way of allowing her characters to draw you in, and I enjoyed following Sam and Sadie and Marx in their formative years, which eventually led to the creation of Unfair Games.

However, the book is tedious in places and seems disjointed in the latter half. The relationships which developed in the early part of the book do not continue to develop in the latter half, and, as a reader, I found Sam and Sadie's on-again, off-again friendship confusing.

That said, the gamer in me appreciated the references to some classics (also, Ichigo seems like it would have been a fun game), and the book certainly contained some emotional and soul-stirring moments. Go read!

reviewed Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall (London Calling, #1)

Alexis Hall: Boyfriend Material (2020, Sourcebooks Casablanca) 4 stars

Wanted: One (fake) boyfriend Practically perfect in every way

Luc O'Donnell is tangentially--and reluctantly--famous. His …

Review of 'Boyfriend Material' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Wow, just wow. There are books which, I think, surreptitiously come along at just the right time in your life, and delight you with their contents, when at any other time they might have not been as effective.

[b:Boyfriend Material|50225678|Boyfriend Material (London Calling, #1)|Alexis Hall||73590298] is certainly one such. Although the writing is patchy in parts, it is the heart of the book that really overwhelms you. I'd been in a reading slump for a while, and then BAM! I read this in one sitting, late into the night, and am I glad I did.

I sometimes think that rom-com-y books do a far better job than most of unpacking human nature, with its various quirks and complications, and often get to the heart of the uncertainties we all have when it comes to establishing relationships with others.

I loved the vulnerability of both Luc and Oliver …