
paperback, 160 pages

English language

Published Nov. 12, 2019 by Scribner.

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3 stars (50 reviews)

Although Scott Carey doesn't look any different, he's been steadily losing weight. There are a couple of other odd things, too. He weighs the same in his clothes and out of them, no matter how heavy they are. Scott doesn't want to be poked and prodded. He mostly just wants someone else to know, and he trusts Doctor Bob Ellis. In the small town of Castle Rock, the setting of many of King's most iconic stories, Scott is engaged in a low grade - but escalating - battle with the lesbians next door whose dog regularly drops his business on Scott's lawn. One of the women is friendly; the other, cold as ice. Both are trying to launch a new restaurant, but the people of Castle Rock want no part of a gay married couple, and the place is in trouble. When Scott finally understands the prejudices they face - …

6 editions

Review of 'Elevation' on 'Goodreads'

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I was weirdly touched by both stories here, I think because I had no idea what to expect and because I learned so much about King from [b:On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft|10569|On Writing A Memoir of the Craft|Stephen King|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1436735207i/10569.SY75.jpg|150292]. I think it's evident from his fiction work and his memoir that he's gone through many dark periods, but he isn't about having them.

On the primary story, Elevation: I understand finding the characters a little thin here, but I also felt like I could mostly round them out well enough in my imagination (except for Missy, oddly). I also felt like the mentions of Trump as a means of gesturing to the town's conservative nature detracted from the place, because that isn't necessary for a small town to be homophobic and broadly suspicious of outsiders, and it situates the protagonist's motivations in opposition to something needlessly. …

Review of 'Elevation' on 'Goodreads'

No rating

I was weirdly touched by both stories here, I think because I had no idea what to expect and because I learned so much about King from [b:On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft|10569|On Writing A Memoir of the Craft|Stephen King|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1436735207i/10569.SY75.jpg|150292]. I think it's evident from his fiction work and his memoir that he's gone through many dark periods, but he isn't about having them.

On the primary story, Elevation: I understand finding the characters a little thin here, but I also felt like I could mostly round them out well enough in my imagination (except for Missy, oddly). I also felt like the mentions of Trump as a means of gesturing to the town's conservative nature detracted from the place, because that isn't necessary for a small town to be homophobic and broadly suspicious of outsiders, and it situates the protagonist's motivations in opposition to something needlessly. …

Review of 'Elevation' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Not really "horror" but I pretty much put all of King's books there. It was an okay concept, but one that definitely led itself to be short. I knew this was a short book to begin with, but I had no idea until I picked it up that it would be so small too. Not bad, but one you should only pick up if you're like me, and you need to own ALL of King's works in hardcover if possible. I wouldn't be surprised if this ended up in a King anthology at some point in the future...

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