Thank you for arguing

what Aristotle, Lincoln, and Homer Simpson can teach us about the art of persuasion

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Jay Heinrichs: Thank you for arguing (2007, Three Rivers Press)

Paperback, 336 pages

English language

Published Sept. 10, 2007 by Three Rivers Press.

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4 stars (5 reviews)

Thank You for Arguing is your master class in the art of persuasion, taught by professors ranging from Bart Simpson to Winston Churchill. The time-tested secrets the book discloses include Cicero's three-step strategy for moving an audience to actionNas well as Honest Abe's Shameless Trick of lowering an audience's expectations by pretending to be unpolished. But it's also replete with contemporary techniques such as politicians' use of "code" language to appeal to specific groups and an eye-opening assortment of popular-culture dodges, including:The Eddie Haskell PloyEminem's Rules of DecorumThe Belushi ParadigmStalin's Timing SecretThe Yoda Technique Whether you're an inveterate lover of language books or just want to win a lot more anger-free arguments on the page, at the podium, or over a beer, Thank You for Arguing is for you. Written by one of today's most popular online language mavens, it's warm, witty, erudite, and truly enlightening. It not only teaches …

2 editions

Review of 'Thank you for arguing' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

What a book that was! I shelfed "Thank You for Arguing" by Jay Heinrichs a couple of months ago, thinking it takes on arguing in philosophical matters. But I was wrong.

I have to admit, this book is a baiter. Not good nor bad, but a baiter nonetheless.This book introduces to its reader the art of rethoric and gives you numerous tips on how to use it to achieve your goals by arguing. You wouldn't have concluded that from the title and you would've had to read it to figure it out. Not what I was looking for from this book but it was what I needed.

The author goes on rambling about the notions of rethoric, trying to immerse its importance in your mind. And to a certain extent, it worked. Only two chapters in and I was becoming more conscious about the arguments I encounter daily. It's funny …

Review of 'Thank you for arguing' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

It's got some good ideas, but it's not really ground-breaking. I suppose that's to be expected from the title. I could really live without the anti-liberal, pro-Caplitalist (big C Capiltalist... The kind that holds that making money is a virtue.) bias.

couldn't manage to finish the book. read about 2/3, and returned it to the library. However, I did notice I used some of the techniques in the book last week, so there's that.

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  • Persuasion (Rhetoric)
  • Debates and debating