Ziemlich abgefahren.
5 stars
Ich bin ja eigentlich nicht der Typ für Liebesgeschichten, aber diese ist großartig. Und lässt nachdenken.
Published Jan. 1, 2012 by FISCHER Taschenbuch.
Ich bin ja eigentlich nicht der Typ für Liebesgeschichten, aber diese ist großartig. Und lässt nachdenken.
I'd give it rather a 3.5 or max. 3.75, but rounded to a 4.
What do I think about that book... a good question. I'm very torn. On one hand, I enjoyed the beginning and the end, but the middle was quite meh. I'm not a fan of contemporary stories and that's what this book was for 60% of the time. A very mundane story about a couple that met, fell in love, and navigated problems with pregnancies, illnesses, families, and so on between the years 1991 and 2006. That was quite boring and is the stuff I don't like in books. Everything related to time travel and the situations created by it was very original and good.
So, the idea is fantastic, but I couldn't get into it, because I really don't like reading about everyday married life. Especially if it's the early 90s or before when everyone …
I'd give it rather a 3.5 or max. 3.75, but rounded to a 4.
What do I think about that book... a good question. I'm very torn. On one hand, I enjoyed the beginning and the end, but the middle was quite meh. I'm not a fan of contemporary stories and that's what this book was for 60% of the time. A very mundane story about a couple that met, fell in love, and navigated problems with pregnancies, illnesses, families, and so on between the years 1991 and 2006. That was quite boring and is the stuff I don't like in books. Everything related to time travel and the situations created by it was very original and good.
So, the idea is fantastic, but I couldn't get into it, because I really don't like reading about everyday married life. Especially if it's the early 90s or before when everyone is constantly smoking and drinking and life seems so dull. (I've been around in that time, I'm allowed to say that ;) )
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Tolle idee und ich hab den Anfang und das Ende gerne gelesen, aber die 60% dazwischen wollte ich das Buch schon ein paar mal einfach abbrechen, weil ich es eigentlich überhaupt nicht leiden kann, so ganz langweilig normale Geschichten über den Alltag eines Paares zu lesen, die sich halt kennenlernen, heiraten, Probleme mit einem Kind haben, mentale Probleme mit den Eltern und all das. Klar, waren immer wieder Szenen und Situationen hinein gewürfelt, die sich aus der Zeitreise ergaben und es interessanter gemacht haben, aber im Grund war es nur das Leben von Clare und Henry zwischen 1991 und 2006.
What do I think about that book... a good question. I'm very torn. On one hand, I enjoyed the beginning and the end, but the middle was quite meh. I'm not a fan of contemporary stories and that's what this book was for 60% of the time. A very mundane story about a couple that met, fell in love and navigated problems with pregnancies, illnesses, families, and so on between the years 1991 and 2006. That was quite boring and is the stuff I don't like in books. Everything related to time travel and the situations created by it was very original and good.
So, the idea is fantastic, but I couldn't get into it, because I really don't like reading about everyday married life. Especially if it's the early 90s or before when everyone is constantly smoking and drinking and life seems so dull. (I've been around in …