Fully Automated Luxury Communism

A Manifesto

paperback, 288 pages

English language

Published June 16, 2020 by Verso.

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3 stars (15 reviews)

In his first book, leading political commentator Aaron Bastani conjures a new politics: a vision of a world of unimaginable hope, highlighting how we might move to energy abundance, feed a world of 9 billion, overcome work, transcend the limits of biology and build meaningful freedom for everyone. Rather than a final destination, such a society heralds the beginning of history.—Publisher

3 editions

aged very badly

2 stars

Content warning disucssion of mentioned economic concepts

Is not aging well

3 stars

Despite only being 2 years old, this book has not aged well. While Bastani's premise, that technology promises to create an environment of material plenty and decentralized power structures, is sound, the book focuses too heavily on the technology part of it and not enough on realistic policy aspects.

There is little in this book that directly addresses widespread capital strikes such as we are experiencing at the time of this review (Dec 2022) nor are there well-articulated strategies for dealing with the effects of rising fascism. Additionally, there is an underlying dualistic assumption in the book that ignores the possibilities of co-operative ownership of enterprise.

Still, the book serves as a reminder of the need to question the neoliberal assumption that concentrations of wealth due to exploitation of new technologies represent an intrinsically good outcome.

The most thought provoking discussion for me in the book was the comparison of …

Fully Automated Luxury Communism

4 stars

Fully Automated Luxury Communism est un essai du journaliste anglais Aaron Bastani, dans lequel il expose sa vision d'un futur technologique libéré du capitalisme.

Dans un premier temps, l'auteur fait le constat de l'échec patent du capitalisme à tenir sa promesse d'une prospérité perpétuelle et à faire face aux enjeux du XXIe siècle, aux premiers rangs desquels figure la crise écologique : changement climatique mais aussi épuisement des ressources non renouvelables, et leurs conséquences sociales et migratoires. Il estime également que nous sommes actuellement au cœur d'une révolution technologique de grande ampleur, dont l'impact sera similaire à deux révolutions majeures dans notre histoire : l'apparition de l'agriculture et la sédentarisation de l'humanité lors de la révolution néolithique ; l'exploitation de nouvelles sources d'énergie (la vapeur, le charbon puis l'électricité) et l'industrialisation de la production lors de la révolution industrielle au XVIIIe et XIXe siècle.

Partant de ce constat, il dessine …

On global politics and economics of urgency, with hope

4 stars

I appreciate the direction Bastani is heading towards a lot. All the basic premises about global overproduction, growing inequality and climate crisis are decently analysed. The cause of this mess is also correctly attributed to politics. Yet many things made me shrug: from heavy leaning on the idea that economic progression curves are doomed to continue as they did before, to the very concrete economic proposals, which require much more context to evaluate (at least in my case). I expected more direct politics (apart from just advocating populism), and probably general inspiration. However, in my eyes this is a work born of urgency, and it does its job. It helps setting up an extremely important civilisational discourse by articulating perspectives and proposals to discuss. Bastani should simply be praised just for that.

Review of 'Fully Automated Luxury Communism' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

No, AI, space mining and synthetic meat will not magically solve all of society's problems.
Bastani does not even mention that AI and big data will need exponentially more energy. Also, racial and social bias in AI models is not event mentioned in passing. And green energy isn't just jolly green, but wastes lots of energy in production as well.
It sometimes feels like an advertising magazine for the companies he is uncritically praising throughout the book.
I get it that positive outlooks are sometimes needed. But this kind of technocratic socialist perspective, praising unfettered growth will hardly solve problems of overconsumption.

Review of 'Fully Automated Luxury Communism' on 'Goodreads'

1 star

As stupid as stupid goes. It has the form, content and style of a California ideology fantasy. It praises the most outlandish and horrendous people and technologies there are. Bastani reading and understanding of Marx appears to be so bad that it is astonishing that he can call himself a social democrat, let alone a communist. And when push comes to show the best he can argue for is some populist watered down social democracy that supposedly should be able to transition into communism. I wounder why these accelerationists know that their strategy and thinking is similar or even a farsical repetition of the right-wing social democracy of Bernstein and his ilk.

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