Eine gut verständliche, fundierte Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema mit wichtigen Hinweisen auf Gefahren in und von solchen Gruppierungen. Ich mag zudem Frau Landwehrs zugänglichen Schreibstil und den trockenen Humor.
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philipp rated Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?: 4 stars

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick
It was January 2021, and Rick Deckard had a license to kill. Somewhere among the hordes of humans out there, …
philipp rated Der Schrank.: 2 stars
philipp rated Survival of the Richest: 5 stars

Survival of the Richest by Douglas Rushkoff, Douglas Rushkoff
Named One of the Most Anticipated Books of 2022 by Kirkus and Literary Hub
The tech elite have a plan …
philipp rated Chokepoint Capitalism: 5 stars

Chokepoint Capitalism by Rebecca Giblin, Cory Doctorow
A call to action for the creative class and labor movement to rally against the power of Big Tech and …
philipp rated How Europe underdeveloped Africa: 4 stars

How Europe underdeveloped Africa by Walter Rodney
"This book derives from a concern with the contemporary African situation. It delves into the past only because otherwise it …
philipp rated Vulva: Die Enthüllung des unsichtbaren Geschlechts: 3 stars

Vulva: Die Enthüllung des unsichtbaren Geschlechts by Mithu M. Sanyal
Diese freche, facettenreiche, lustvoll erzählte Kulturgeschichte des weiblichen Geschlechts, eine Geschichte von Aberkennung und Aneignung, stellt die aktuelle Diskussion um …
philipp reviewed Ludicrous by Edward Niedermeyer
philipp rated Die Vogelmacherin. Die Geschichte von Hexenkindern.: 3 stars
philipp rated When We Cease to Understand the World: 4 stars

When We Cease to Understand the World by Adrian Nathan West, Benjamín Labatut
A fictional examination of the lives of real-life scientists and thinkers whose discoveries resulted in moral consequences beyond their imagining. …