Savage Season

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Joe R. Lansdale: Savage Season (Hardcover, 1992, Not Avail)


Published Sept. 17, 1992 by Not Avail.

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4 stars (9 reviews)

7 editions

Review of 'Savage season' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Mõned aastad tagasi avastasin "Hap and Leonard" sarja (loodud Lansdale raamatute põhjal), mida olen praeguseks kolm korda juba vaadanud. Kusjuures viimasest korrast polegi väga palju möödas, kuid juba on tunne, et vaataks äkki veel. Sest elu Ameerika lõunaosariigis (Texas), eelmise sajandi kaheksakümnendate lõpus - see on lummav, just sarja loojate Nick Damici ja Jim Mickle vaatenurgast. Kuna sari sai kirvest peale kolmandat hooaega (ning lõppes vaataja seisukohast väga valel hetkel), siis mõtlen juba tükk aega, et võiks proovida raamatuid lugeda, seal läheb ju tegevus edasi.

Joe R. Lansdale on väga viljakas autor, esimene romaan ilmus tal 40 aastat tagasi ning ainult romaane on tal hetkel juba 61 tükki, lisaks palju jutukogusid ning arvukalt koomikseid (märksa rohkem kui romaane).

"Savage Season" on siis Hapi ja Leonardi lugude avaraamat. Hap on mõnevõrra naiivne valge heteromees, kuuekümnendatel maailmaparandajast idealist, kes isegi istus kinni poolteist aastat, kuna ei soovinud Vietnami sõdima minna. Leonard on …

Review of 'Savage Season' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

As I’ve found myself hooked on the IFC Channel series Hap and Leonard, I decided one evening—as is my wont to do—to read the source material for this stellar show. In this case, the novel Savage Season by Joe R. Lansdale, the first in a series of novels featuring the exploits of East Texas desperadoes and good buddies, Hap Collins and Leonard Pine.

In Mr. Lansdale’s book as in the series, the recently-unemployed Hap and Leonard receive an unexpected visit from Hap’s ex, Trudy. She hires them to help find a million dollars from a 20-year-old bank heist believed to be in a car at the bottom of a river. Hap and Leonard take the gig and soon join forces with Trudy’s friends Howard, Chub, and Paco, all relics from the radical sixties.

The plot proceeds at an even, almost leisurely pace through the first two-thirds of the book; …

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  • Mystery & Detective - Series
  • Fiction - Mystery/ Detective