Pet Sematary

English language

Published April 15, 2005

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4 stars (42 reviews)

Pet Sematary is a 1983 horror novel by American writer Stephen King. The novel was nominated for a World Fantasy Award for Best Novel in 1986, and adapted into two films: one in 1989 and another in 2019. In November 2013, PS Publishing released Pet Sematary in a limited 30th-anniversary edition.

12 editions

Dead, Death, Dying

4 stars

It is amazing how taboo death and dying is to American society and just people in general. There is a lot of fear in even using those words. People tend to shy away from the topic, going through many stages of grief and instead if not in denial, use words that make them feel better like "passing", "expired", etc. The book while slow, is excellently written and is a thorough exploration of grief, loss, death and guilt. I loved the interaction of the family and the observations and questions Elle has. They are all great characters. Some people complain about the ending but honestly 1) I think its good 2) Who says endings can't be short? Not all stories have to be action packed or eventful to be a great book. And honestly, its more realistic. Things happen when they happen. Overall, solid listen and worth IMO if you go …

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