Hab etwa ein Drittel gelesen und reißt mich so gar nicht. Die Charaktere sind phantasielos, die Namen durch den Elbennamegenerator erzeugt und man hat von Anfang an das Gefühl der Autor will eine große Geschichte erzählen hat aber noch keine Vision welche Geschichte überhaupt.
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Alexander's books
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22% complete! Alexander has read 10 of 45 books.
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Alexander started reading African History of Africa by Zeinab Badawi

Carsten Müller reviewed Die Elfen by Bernhard Hennen
Alexander started reading Fool on the Hill by Matt Ruff
Alexander stopped reading
Alexander finished reading Die Doppelgängerin by Alexander von Ungern-Sternberg

Die Doppelgängerin by Alexander von Ungern-Sternberg
enthält: Die Doppelgänger, Der gespenstische Wald, Der Wetterbeschwörer
Alexander finished reading Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb (The Farseer Trilogy, #1)

Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb (The Farseer Trilogy, #1)
Alexander wants to read Happy Endings by Lucie Bryon

Happy Endings by Lucie Bryon
Il était une fois… la vie !
Il était une fois… un jardinier de cimetière qui tombe amoureux d’un pleureur …
Alexander wants to read Karpathia by Mathias Menegoz

Tak! commented on Space Chasers by Leland Melvin
Hey, a graphic novel I worked on is out! Check out Space Chasers by astronaut Leland Melvin, Joe Caramagna & Alison Acton! It's the first in a series of middle grade books about a team of brilliant kids who become astronauts + have an amazing adventure. I loved working on this series so much. 🚀💫 Link: bookshop.org/p/books/the-steam-team-book-1-leland-melvin/21278348
Alexander started reading Die Doppelgängerin by Alexander von Ungern-Sternberg

Die Doppelgängerin by Alexander von Ungern-Sternberg
enthält: Die Doppelgänger, Der gespenstische Wald, Der Wetterbeschwörer
Alexander started reading Sueurs Froides by Pierre Boileau
Alexander finished reading Love in the Ruins by Walker Percy
Love in the Ruins by Walker Percy
Dr. Tom More has created a stethoscope of the human spirit. With it, he embarks on an unforgettable odyssey to …

Amber Herbert commented on The West Passage by Jared Pechaček
So far so mediocre. I'm reading this for my book club and intend to push through, but damn is the prose all over the place in terms of descriptions, tone, and pacing. If I hadn't already DNF'd our January read, this one would be destined for the "abandoned" shelf.
Alexander started reading Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb (The Farseer Trilogy, #1)