441 pages

English language

Published April 27, 2011 by Hodder & Stoughton.

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4 stars (10 reviews)

Scientists have eradicated love and the government demands that all citizens receive the cure upon turning eighteen - life without love is afe, without pain. But ninety-five days before her cure, Lena Haloway does the unthinkable.

2 editions

Review of 'Delirium' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Rezension auch hier: buechertruhe.blogspot.com/2011/09/rezension-delirium.html

Liebe ist verboten. Vor Jahren wurde ein Mittel gegen die Liebe erfunden und jeder Mensch wird mit diesem geheilt. Nach der Heilung hat man keine Sorgen und keinen Kummer mehr, man wird mit einem passenden Partner verheiratet und lebt ein vorbildliches Leben.
Lena steht kurz vor dem Prozess und freut sich schon darauf. Im Gegenteil zu ihrer Freundin Hana, die auch andere Seiten des Lebens sieht, als den von der Regierung bestimmten. Dann geschieht es: Lena lernt Alex kennen und auf einmal sieht auch sie das Leben mit anderen Augen...

Meine Meinung:
Ein nicht ganz so typischer Dystopie-Roman. Lena ist ein 17 jähriger Teenager, die mit dem System groß geworden ist und auch nichts Schlimmes daran sieht. Es ist interessant zu sehen, dass sie sich nicht von Anfang an gegen die Heilung sträubt, sondern sich zunächst auf die Prozedur …

reviewed Delirium by Lauren Oliver (Delirium -- 1)

Review of 'Delirium' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

In essence, Delirium a story about first love and love that endures against all odds.

Whilst I enjoyed Lauren Oliver's writing style, I felt the book lacking somewhat in my expectations. It focusses a lot on the central love story rather than the world in which love has been declared a dangerous disease. I would have preferred more back-story, learning how scientists came to that conclusion, about the development of the cure and the “cleansing” of the invalids. These areas are all mentioned but skimmed over.

Review of 'Delirium' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I thought it was a new concept for a young adult novel. As an adult, I've often wondered what my life would have been like if I was not a hopeless romantic. It started at a very early age in my life. I'm thinking early childhood. Love and the desire for love and to be loved has hugely impacted my life.

I really enjoy Lauren Oliver's writing.

Review of 'Delirium' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Full review on Reader's Dialogue: http://readersdialogue.blogspot.com

Lena lives in a world where a cure for love has been found. After their eighteenth birthday, people have a procedure done which eliminates love, thus eliminating all the terrible side effects of love - faintness, difficulty focusing, even suicide. The government matches boys and girls with each other after they graduate from separate schools, and life is so much easier and happier. Lena is looking forward to her procedure, to the time when she can escape the disease that led to her own mother's death. But just months before her procedure, starting at her evaluations, things start to change. And she meets a boy - and falls in love. Lena starts finding out that almost nothing is actually the way she's been led to believe it is, and she finds out the true meaning of love and the absence of love.

The concept …


  • Science fiction
  • Interpersonal relations
  • Preventive Medicine
  • Romance fiction
  • Resistance to Government
  • Emotions
  • Fiction


  • Maine