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Dan Piepenbring, Tom O'Neill: Chaos (2019, Little Brown & Company) 4 stars

Review of 'Chaos' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

A book of conspiracy bolstered by rigorous and transparent historiographical work. This book focuses on the many holes and contradictions in Bugliosi’s court and book constructed “official” story and the confounding threads that spread from them. I was skeptical and then entirely enraptured by this book. I’m sure my roommates are glad I’m finished with this one because for days I’ve burst into rooms with information just tumbling out of me. I applaud O’Neill for his passion but I respect him for his persistence.

Review of 'From From' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This is a work of incisive and insightful scrutiny and yet, the purpose is not the insight or even the scrutiny itself. This work calls language itself into question, constantly interrogating the origins of language and of myth. Almost lilting at times in its repetition yet the poems almost obsessively pull back from comforting and from the comfortable more generally. I learned a lot from this book and yet I'm left with the understanding that learning was not the goal. This work asked nothing from me directly. This work asked everything of me. May I continue the work by asking rigorous and deepening questions of myself.