Tante Ulrikkes Vei

428 pages

Published Dec. 16, 2017 by Gyldendal Norsk Forlag.

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Tante Ulrikkes Vei is a Norwegian novel written by Zeshan Shakar. It was published by Gyldendal Norsk Forlag in 2017.The novel describes the story of the upbringing of two young boys in the block street, Tante Ulrikkes vei in Stovner, which is a low-income neighbourhood in Oslo, Norway. The readers are being introduced to these young boys and their livelihoods along with their challenges and struggles through the surveys conducted by NOVA (Norwegian Research Institute for Upbringing, Welfare, and Aging). Tante Ulrikkes Vei has gained enormous praise for the tackling of various social and political issues found in Norwegian cities. Shakar received two prestigious Norwegian awards for this novel, namely Tarjei Vesaas' debutantpris and Bokbloggerprisen (annual awards for literature in Norway). Norwegian newspapers such as VG, Aftenposten, and Klassekampen, have all applauded this novel with top scores, and the novel has sold over 150 000 copies. In addition, in the …

1 edition

Review of 'Tante Ulrikkes Vei' on 'Goodreads'

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Jeg fikk endelig somla meg til å lese denne, og jeg burde selvsagt ha gjort det for lengst. Alle burde lese denne boka. Den gir innblikk i en del av Norge som mange kan for lite om, meg selv inkludert.

Jeg synes formatet og de to stemmene i boka fungerer veldig bra. De skaper fremdrift og gjør at en får se på et oppvekstmiljø fra to perspektiv som er både like og ulike. Det ikke alltid like troverdig hva de velger å skrive om (og ikke skrive om), men det spørs om boka hadde blitt noe bedre om det skulle virke fullstendig ekte.


  • Oslo