
English language

Published May 2, 1991

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4 stars (24 reviews)

Possession: A Romance is a 1990 best-selling novel by British writer A. S. Byatt that won the 1990 Booker Prize. The novel explores the postmodern concerns of similar novels, which are often categorised as historiographic metafiction, a genre that blends approaches from both historical fiction and metafiction. The novel follows two modern-day academics as they research the paper trail around the previously unknown love life between famous fictional poets Randolph Henry Ash and Christabel LaMotte. Possession is set both in the present day and the Victorian era, contrasting the two time periods, as well as echoing similarities and satirising modern academia and mating rituals. The structure of the novel incorporates many different styles, including fictional diary entries, letters and poetry, and uses these styles and other devices to explore the postmodern concerns of the authority of textual narratives. The title Possession highlights many of the major themes in the novel: …

2 editions

Review of 'Possession' on 'Storygraph'

5 stars

I read this book in print and knew right away I needed to read it again. So this time I listened to the audio book. (And my wife listened with me.)

In some sense the first time through I was so bowled over by Byatt’s technical perfection that I didn’t write much at all about what the book meant to me. It is such a beautiful story, and it really rewards a second reading. As a small example, the first time through, I was judgmental of <spoiler>Christabel’s behavior toward her cousin in Brittany</spoiler>. But reading it again, knowing more fully what she’s dealing with, I felt only empathy.

Maude too is a character that is wonderful the first time through, and only gets better the second. Seeing her story unfold when you’ve already been gifted her vulnerable insight into self makes every part of her story more deeply felt. And …

Review of 'Possession' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Eine Liebesaffäre zwischen einem Dichter und einer DIchterin um 1860, im Nachhinein aufgedeckt durch eine Handvoll Universitätsangestellter in den 80er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts, die zueinander in wissenschaftlicher Konkurrenz stehen. Spannend und gutgemacht, manchmal zu 'gelehrt', was aber auch seinen Reiz haben konnte. Für mich ein ganzes Stückchen zu lang, die Gedichte haben mir nicht viel gegeben bzw sogar gelangweilt und die Geschichte um Blanche Glover kam mir zu kurz bzw habe ich das Gefühl, dass in ihrer Hinsicht keine Klarheit geschaffen wurde. Es wäre schön gewesen, wenn ihre Beziehung zu Christabel mehr Anerkennung bekommen hätte. Trotzdem - gut geschrieben und eine verwickelte, interessante Story mit sehr markanten Charakteren.

Review of 'Possession' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This was a wonderful experience, and I don't know where to begin in describing it. These pages contain a mystery, a Victorian romance, a present day story of literary competition between scholars, and a modern romance. It highlights the differences between the two times in fascinating ways, and also demonstrates how silences can be the biggest clues.

Byatt creates two Victorian poets who seem so real that I looked up their names, wondering if this novel were based on anyone specific. That the author created the poems and letters of Christabel LaMotte and Randolph Henry Ash, with such believable detail, is brillant.

The cast of this story is wonderful, too. Of course, the author would have vast experience with other literary scholars and know how to draw them! Maud Bailey and Roland Mitchell, who are central to the modern plot, are both very likable people. Each, in the beginning, is …

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