Con personajes inolvidables, un romance apasionante y un suspenso adictivo, esta nueva e inventiva serie de fantasía por la autora #1 del New York Times Sarah J. Maas explora el dolor de la pérdida, el precio de la libertad... y el poder del amor.
Bryce Quinlan tenía una vida perfecta, trabajando todo el día y divirtiéndose toda la noche, hasta que un demonio asesina a sus mejores amigos, dejándola herida y sola. Cuando el culpable está detrás de las rejas pero los crímenes continúan, Bryce se encuentra a sí misma en el corazón de la investigación... y hará lo que sea necesario para vengar la muerte de sus amigos.
Hunt Athalar es un importante Ángel Caído que ahora se encuentra esclavizado por los Arcángeles a los que alguna vez trató de derrocar. Sus habilidades brutales y su fuerza descomunal han sido moldeadas con un solo propósito: asesinar a los enemigos …
Con personajes inolvidables, un romance apasionante y un suspenso adictivo, esta nueva e inventiva serie de fantasía por la autora #1 del New York Times Sarah J. Maas explora el dolor de la pérdida, el precio de la libertad... y el poder del amor.
Bryce Quinlan tenía una vida perfecta, trabajando todo el día y divirtiéndose toda la noche, hasta que un demonio asesina a sus mejores amigos, dejándola herida y sola. Cuando el culpable está detrás de las rejas pero los crímenes continúan, Bryce se encuentra a sí misma en el corazón de la investigación... y hará lo que sea necesario para vengar la muerte de sus amigos.
Hunt Athalar es un importante Ángel Caído que ahora se encuentra esclavizado por los Arcángeles a los que alguna vez trató de derrocar. Sus habilidades brutales y su fuerza descomunal han sido moldeadas con un solo propósito: asesinar a los enemigos de su amo sin hacer ni una sola pregunta. Cuando un demonio causa pánico en la ciudad, le ofrecen un trato irresistible: ayudar a Bryce a encontrar al asesino, y su libertad estará al alcance de su mano.
Mientras Bryce y Hunt exploran las profundidades de Ciudad Medialuna, descubren un poder oscuro que amenaza a todo lo que aman, y encuentran en el otro una pasión deslumbrante #una que los podría liberar, si lo permitieran. Con personajes inolvidables, un romance apasionante y un suspenso adictivo, esta nueva e inventiva serie de fantasía por la autora #1 del New York Times Sarah J. Maas explora el dolor de la pérdida, el precio de la libertad... y el poder del amor.
So once I got past the exposition of the first few chapters, I started to get into it. I have to question the structure of the book, but that's water under the bridge at this point. I found the setting more compelling than in the Court series, but I will admit that I'd hoped from the series titles it'd be set in New Orleans (it is definitely not). Still urban fantasy, but not our world. I'll continue with the series, at least.
Review of 'House of Earth and Blood' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
So many people complain that the first 400 pages of this book are info dumping but I loved it. It was great World building and I felt like I knew the depth of the characters, this is possibly my favourite Maas book so far on the multiverse journey
Review of 'House of Earth and Blood' on 'Goodreads'
3 stars
Tooooo long, the beginning was very info dumpy, I just skimmed over some descriptions because I could not retain so much info, the writing was easy to read and entertaining, but the character's work felt a little shallow like the author was telling us rather than showing us.. I did not really like how judgemental Hunt was at first for no reason, and even Bryce at times felt shallow but of course I still enjoyed reading their story, Ruhn was another pov that I really enjoyed and wanted more of. The last part of the book was much more action heavy, so non stop that I wish we could have had more breathing room, some "revelations" I expected, others not at all, and there were too many moments where the plot felt convenient, it felt cheap at times like the characters did not earn it, some emotional scenes that …
Tooooo long, the beginning was very info dumpy, I just skimmed over some descriptions because I could not retain so much info, the writing was easy to read and entertaining, but the character's work felt a little shallow like the author was telling us rather than showing us.. I did not really like how judgemental Hunt was at first for no reason, and even Bryce at times felt shallow but of course I still enjoyed reading their story, Ruhn was another pov that I really enjoyed and wanted more of. The last part of the book was much more action heavy, so non stop that I wish we could have had more breathing room, some "revelations" I expected, others not at all, and there were too many moments where the plot felt convenient, it felt cheap at times like the characters did not earn it, some emotional scenes that surprisingly got to me, I can not predict what will happen in the next book.. (I feel very intrigued by the "cat" character tho)
Review of 'House of Earth and Blood' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
I had pretty low expectations for this but I ended up really enjoying it! Reminded me of all those urban fantasy series I used to binge read. It's a bit info-dumpy at the start but I'm glad I pushed past that.