Milk and Honey


Published Jan. 5, 2016 by Andrews McMeel Publishing.

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3 stars (25 reviews)

The book is divided into four chapters, and each chapter serves a different purpose; deals with a different pain; heals a different heartache. milk and honey takes readers through a journey of the most bitter moments in life and finds sweetness in them because there is sweetness everywhere ifyou are just willing to look.

6 editions

Goodreads Review of Milk and Honey

3 stars

The poetry in here isn't actually that good, but it it does carry a hefty emotional punch, and that in itself makes it valuable. Like I hope this reaches her in time, this is very much a work of Instagram poetry. It's worth the read if you want to read something that makes you feel (mostly negative emotions, but also ones that seem largely universal and valuable).

Review of 'milk and honey' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

Milk and Honey se estructura en cuatro partes, divididas temáticamente. La primera parte, The breaking, es muy buena, en mi opinión. Tiene poemas muy interesantes y mensajes muy pertinentes. Sin embargo, a partir de la segunda parte, el poemario perdió interés para mí. Los poemas iban pasando sin pena ni gloria, salvo alguno suelto, y algunos incluso me han hecho cerrar el libro y plantearme dejar de leerlo.

Review of 'milk and honey' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars


This book wasn't bad but it didn't resonate very strongly with me. I think it could have more value to someone else, it just doesn't hit home for me.

I do agree the poems were choppy and not too lyrical, but poetry is subjective. Maybe someone else could find the songs in these words. Based on the average rating, plenty of people must have.

Don't be discouraged by the negative reviews. Give the book a chance to resonate with you. It takes about 45 minutes to read so it's not much time to spare if you're curious about it.

Review of 'Milk and Honey' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I was skeptical to read this, because of the Instagram hype it has received, but when my friend bought and read it, and actually disliked the last section, that pushed me to read it to see what she was talking about.

All in all, I really liked it. I love free verse, free form poetry, especially when a book of poems tells a story in some way. This book is smart, powerful, and feminist in an empowering (not hateful or hurtful) way. My favourite section was definitely the second one, but I do think it was all quite good. I would have given it a 4.5/5 if that was an option here!

Review of 'milk and honey' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Hablo de este y otros poemarios feministas en

am a museum full of art
but you had your eyes shut

Este poemario es un must read para todo el mundo, pero sobre todo para una mujer adolescente. Aquí se habla de amor, de pérdida, de recuperarse de ella, de sororidad... De feminismo al fin y al cabo.

Si bien no todos los poemas me han gustado, pienso que mandan unos mensajes importantes (aunque puedan parecer obvios) y algunos es que me encantaría pegarlos por todos los institutos, farolas, bibliotecas, etc para que la gente identifique si está en una relación tóxica y que haga todo lo posible para salir de ella lo antes posible. También para que recuerde que sentirse mal no está mal y que su voz importa mucho

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