Propagandists' Playbook

How Conservative Elites Manipulate Search and Threaten Democracy

English language

Published Aug. 19, 2022 by Yale University Press.

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4 stars (2 reviews)

1 edition

Academic yet approachable

4 stars

What I found surprising:

  1. information voids -- right-wing propagandists purposely look for terms indexed on search engines (primarily google) that have few if any results, or few new results within the last year or so, and essentially colonize those terms, using propaganda to reassign the meaning they prefer and their media personalities to push audiences to "do their own research." When they go to google and search for the newly co-opted term, they find results authored by right-wing journalists, think tanks, and scholars that reinforce the messaging of the propaganda. Thus the propaganda is reinforced, and people take ownership of this interpretation of facts and issues, because they had to put some (minimal) effort into confirming the narrative. This is often how "new" issues turn up in the media, because even so-called liberal sources will start covering these stories, but...

  2. Co-optation -- it's less that I found this surprising then …