KnitAFett reviewed Mary: An Awakening of Terror by Nat Cassidy
An author I want to read more from.
4 stars
I was a little unsure of this book because the main character is a female going through perimenopause and it's written by a man, which has been problematic in the past to say the least. However, Nat did a really great job of actually portraying the issues in health that females are usually dealing with. There is also a lot of references to the misogynistic view towards women and aging and basically losing their worth. The forward and afterward are essential for this one because Nat does a job of explaining why he was ok with telling this story since he's not a woman and why he ends it where he does, because the ending was a bit of a loose end, but it makes sense with why he stopped it at that point.
Also, I listened to the audiobook for this one and was absolutely blown away by Susan …
I was a little unsure of this book because the main character is a female going through perimenopause and it's written by a man, which has been problematic in the past to say the least. However, Nat did a really great job of actually portraying the issues in health that females are usually dealing with. There is also a lot of references to the misogynistic view towards women and aging and basically losing their worth. The forward and afterward are essential for this one because Nat does a job of explaining why he was ok with telling this story since he's not a woman and why he ends it where he does, because the ending was a bit of a loose end, but it makes sense with why he stopped it at that point.
Also, I listened to the audiobook for this one and was absolutely blown away by Susan Bennett. She got the insanity down so convincingly that you really feel like you're listening to the ramblings of someone losing their mind. It was fantastic and I'm very glad that I listened to this one.
The only thing that's stopping me from giving this a full 5 stars is that there were some moments that it felt like the story dragged on a little too much. I think with a little more cutting and slimming down of those parts, this would have been an absolute slammer of a book. I definitely will the adding more of Cassidy's books to my TBR and bumping them up on the list.