This book is all about focusing
4 stars
This is a solid book about focusing. All angles of being able to focus. It's pretty deep, and will require re-reading to review some of the points that you may be working on.
Having read a good deal of self-help/productivity books, very little of this content was new to me. Most of these topics he covers have been said elsewhere, usually in pieces though. The value of this book is it's focus on focus. haha
It's broken into small chapters of several pages each, and each chapter has a summary of the main points. Good for the focus devotee who isn't there yet.
It has 7 parts/themes each with several chapters. Part 3 as "Hack Back External Triggers" was my favorite and most valuable part. The last three parts weren't as valuable to me, being Work, Children and Other Relationships. Work because, it's rare that one can impact the work …
This is a solid book about focusing. All angles of being able to focus. It's pretty deep, and will require re-reading to review some of the points that you may be working on.
Having read a good deal of self-help/productivity books, very little of this content was new to me. Most of these topics he covers have been said elsewhere, usually in pieces though. The value of this book is it's focus on focus. haha
It's broken into small chapters of several pages each, and each chapter has a summary of the main points. Good for the focus devotee who isn't there yet.
It has 7 parts/themes each with several chapters. Part 3 as "Hack Back External Triggers" was my favorite and most valuable part. The last three parts weren't as valuable to me, being Work, Children and Other Relationships. Work because, it's rare that one can impact the work culture for a larger group.
All in all, a good book. I'll probably re-read this in a year or so to see if I get anything of it that I missed or discounted during this read.