
Published Oct. 18, 2016 by Ithaki Yayinlari.

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3 stars (59 reviews)

"The year is 2312. Scientific and technological advances have opened gateways to an extraordinary future. Earth is no longer humanity's only home; new habitats have been created throughout the solar system on moons, planets, and in between. But in this year, 2312, a sequence of events will force humanity to confront its past, its present, and its future. The first event takes place on Mercury, on the city of Terminator, itself a miracle of engineering on an unprecedented scale. It is an unexpected death, but one that might have been foreseen. For Swan Er Hong, it is an event that will change her life. Swan was once a woman who designed worlds. Now she will be led into a plot to destroy them"--

15 editions


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La novela se inserta en la misma línea temporal en la que transcurre la saga de Marte, dos siglos después de los acontecimientos narrados en los libros "Marte rojo", "Marte verde" y "Marte azul".

El éxito en la terraformación de Marte, y los cambios políticos y sociales que eso desató en la civilización humana, hacen que muchas personas se planteen terraformar otros mundos.

Terraformar, es decir transformar en una nueva Tierra. Una operación de ingeniería a escala planetaria, que require de modificar o crear una atmósfera, cambiar de algún modo la temperatura del planeta, a veces incluso la gravedad y la duración de sus días. El tipo de desafíos que nos hacen humanos.

Leímos "2312" en las ediciones número 41 a 43 de nuestro Club de #LecturaMastodontica


In the futures where current views and morality doesn't apply

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After reading Alastair Reynold's Revelation Space book, i expected a space opera where the focus is on the event on hand. But 2312 surprised me with its personal touch, where each characters have their own traits and reasoning.

Of course, there is an important event that set the plot, but in my opinion it is a secondary role.

Recommended for those puritans who are into hard scifi, and those who likes the differing personalities and relationships that this book covers.

Review of '2312' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

Overly sentimental, disjointed, and wasteful of its actual good ideas.

The storyline feels like it was made up as a way to put characters in certain situations, which in turn made it all feel contrived. On top of that, I found it very hard to care about any of the characters (bar Kirin), so whenever they were in some faux danger (it's the future no one is really in danger) I didn't even really mind the outcome. Sometimes I even hoped for the worst, they were all so entitled and lothesome.

The actual world building is fine, but it really feels like KSR put in a lot of effort and wasted it on a storyline that doesn't really deserve such a grand stage. I can see what KSR was trying to do at times, revisiting some ideas about how we see ourselves that they tried in The Wild Shore, but …

Review of '2312' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

If only this book could have been just the futurist tour of a system-wide human civilization just 295 years from now, without any of the irritating and wholly uninteresting POV characters or the hokey liberal pipe-dream plot disguised within an ostensible story of an emergent AI lifeform. Sadly, the existence of a Culture-like space-faring humanity, composed of diverse forms living in ambitiously interconnected habitats, seems much farther in the future on this day, of all days.

Review of '2312' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I'm finding it difficult to summarize this book without dishonest praise or undeserved criticism. The truth is the story at the heart of the novel is a simple one: a whodunit in space, and a surprisingly blinkered story of shunning the Other. The structure of it reminded me of Neal Stephenson's Cryptonomicon, with its rambling passages and none-too-subtle "extracts", which came across to me as the real reason the book existed -- an excuse to world-build.

While there were some wonderfully poetic turns of phrase, and a lot of fascinating assertions on the future of gender and sexuality, the predominance of the novel came off as naval-gazing.

Review of '2312' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Brief moments of story followed by long moments of didactic preaching. Robinson is a big fan of the "Magic Happens" style of SF- which is typically fine, but here he uses it like a sledgehammer, covering his lack of story in yards and yards of science-sounding fabric.

Also the protagonist is very annoying and underdeveloped. She reads as though she is in her 20s yet has lived 100 years. Really?

Review of '2312' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Publishers Weekly labelled 2312 a ‘A challenging, compelling masterpiece'.  While I think ‘masterpiece’ may be pre-empting its on-going cultural and historical relevance, 2312 is both challenging and compelling.

As the title suggests the novel is set 300 years from the future of its publication date.  With 2312 Robinson gives us what many “hard science” science fiction fans consider to be “real” science fiction - an idea or ideas explained, a future imagining to be marvelled at for its vision, its sense of hope and its scientific plausibility.

Historically, character and plot in this kind of work tended to be secondary, a feature which wouldn’t float with today’s audience who have come to expect more involved plots and well rounded characters.

Thankfully, Robinson gives us a little of everything; epic ideas(the future setting and cultures of our solar system), compelling characters and an intriguing mystery.

The Story

The nature of 2312 …

Review of '2312' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Please note: This is not a plot driven novel. It is primarily a love story. You aren’t going to find space battles, aliens/monsters, or lots of adventure & intrigue. There is a plot, with touches of conspiracy & adventures, but they are of a tertiary importance at best. The primary focus is on character development, with a surprising & wonderful examination of the natural wonders of our solar system coming in second.
Given all the problems of our age, the genre seems to be more & more focused on dystopian visions of the future. I found “2312” to be a wonderful optimistic answer to this doom & gloom. Yes, we have problems, but perhaps they are solvable. This optimism & overall sense of wonder seemed to be a return to some of the best qualities of golden age science fiction. I think that in times like these, we need more …

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