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Joined 2 years ago

I am a serial reader, but only in the sense that I can't read concurrently. I'm really just here to scope out what other people like.

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alexcurtin's books

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reviewed Clean Code by Robert Cecil Martin (Robert C. Martin)

Robert Cecil Martin: Clean Code (2008, Prentice Hall) 4 stars

Even bad code can function. But if code isn’t clean, it can bring a development …

Review of 'Clean Code' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Lots of SOLID advice (sorry, had to) , though I do think that the fact that it's written for early 00s java limits it in that it doesn't really address functional map/filter/reduce (select/where/accumulate) type stuff that more modern versions of java and pretty much all other languages allow for.

Main takeaways:
1. Names are important.
2. Functions/classes should be small
3. Comments on something that's not a public API are out of date the moment they're written. Just go crazy with privately named functions.
4. Refactor a lot
5. Inversion of Control / Dependency injection is neat - But really this was written at a time when the DI configuration step was terrible to write. I think .Net core handles this stuff really well now, and I'm sure the java frameworks do just fine.
6. Functions with a lot of arguments are terrible, maybe even evil

I don't know that …