Clean Code

A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship

taschenbuch, 431 pages

English language

Published July 20, 2008 by Prentice Hall.

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4 stars (59 reviews)

Even bad code can function. But if code isn’t clean, it can bring a development organization to its knees. Every year, countless hours and significant resources are lost because of poorly written code. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Noted software expert Robert C. Martin, presents a revolutionary paradigm with Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship. Martin, who has helped bring agile principles from a practitioner’s point of view to tens of thousands of programmers, has teamed up with his colleagues from Object Mentor to distill their best agile practice of cleaning code “on the fly” into a book that will instill within you the values of software craftsman, and make you a better programmer―but only if you work at it.

What kind of work will you be doing? You’ll be reading code―lots of code. And you will be challenged to think about what’s right about …

2 editions

reviewed Clean Code by Robert Cecil Martin (Robert C. Martin)

Mixed bag of nuts

3 stars

Consider some parts (general concepts) very valuable, while a lot of the advice on how to use the general concepts in practice is opiniated and, IMHO questionable at best.

If you read this book as the gospel I would say you are only getting half the value and will end up getting, in my opinion, a lot of bad advice.

But if you read it with an open mind and reflect on the concepts and advice given you'll be a better developer.

Una pietra miliare dello sviluppo

5 stars

Questo manuale è imprescindibile per qualsiasi sviluppatore che voglia migliorare se stesso (lo dovremmo fare ogni giorno).

Nonostante gli esempi siano riferiti a Java, si può tranquillamente applicare quanto scritto a qualsiasi altro linguaggio ad oggetti. Ogni capitolo è scritto molto bene e pone le giuste opinioni su come organizzare al meglio il codice.

NON consiglierei questo libro ad uno sviluppatore alle primissime armi, perché il rischio è che si focalizzi troppo sulla pulizia senza fare i giusti errori di gioventù. Allo stesso tempo, non appena si ha un minimo di esperienza sullo sviluppo, è NECESSARIO leggre questo libro per confrontare la propria esperienza con quanto detto nel libro.

Attenzione, ci sono delle parti che forse potreste non condividere a pieno ma va bene così. Questa non è una bibbia e nemmeno ha la pretesa di esserlo: va vista solo come una collezione di esperienze.

Nota aggiuntiva: la parte finale …

reviewed Clean Code by Robert Cecil Martin (Robert C. Martin)

Review of 'Clean Code' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Lots of SOLID advice (sorry, had to) , though I do think that the fact that it's written for early 00s java limits it in that it doesn't really address functional map/filter/reduce (select/where/accumulate) type stuff that more modern versions of java and pretty much all other languages allow for.

Main takeaways:
1. Names are important.
2. Functions/classes should be small
3. Comments on something that's not a public API are out of date the moment they're written. Just go crazy with privately named functions.
4. Refactor a lot
5. Inversion of Control / Dependency injection is neat - But really this was written at a time when the DI configuration step was terrible to write. I think .Net core handles this stuff really well now, and I'm sure the java frameworks do just fine.
6. Functions with a lot of arguments are terrible, maybe even evil

I don't know that …

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  • Agile software development
  • Computer software -- Reliability
