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Rai wants to read What We Owe The Future by William MacAskill

What We Owe The Future by William MacAskill
What We Owe the Future is a 2022 book by the Scottish philosopher and ethicist William MacAskill, an associate professor …
Rai wants to read How to Keep House While Drowning by Kc Davis
Rai rated Effective Altruism Handbook: 3 stars

Ryan Carey: Effective Altruism Handbook
Effective Altruism Handbook by Ryan Carey
What is the EA Handbook?
It’s an introduction to some of the core concepts in effective altruism.
If you’re new …
Rai finished reading Effective Altruism Handbook by Ryan Carey

Ryan Carey: Effective Altruism Handbook
Effective Altruism Handbook by Ryan Carey
What is the EA Handbook?
It’s an introduction to some of the core concepts in effective altruism.
If you’re new …
Rai rated Friendship is Optimal: 5 stars

Friendship is Optimal by iceman
Hanna, the CEO of Hofvarpnir Studios, just won the contract to write the official My Little Pony MMO. Hanna has …
Rai finished reading Friendship is Optimal by iceman

Friendship is Optimal by iceman
Hanna, the CEO of Hofvarpnir Studios, just won the contract to write the official My Little Pony MMO. Hanna has …
Rai rated Rainbows End: 3 stars

Rainbows End by Vernor Vinge
From the back cover:
World famous poet Robert Gu missed twenty years of progress while he nearly died from Alzheimer's. …
Rai rated Nedostatečný pocit vlastní hodnoty: 5 stars
Rai finished reading Nedostatečný pocit vlastní hodnoty by Heinz-Peter Röhr
Rai rated Facing the Intelligence Explosion: 3 stars

Luke Muehlhauser: Facing the Intelligence Explosion
Facing the Intelligence Explosion by Luke Muehlhauser
Sometime this century, machines will surpass human levels of intelligence and ability. This event—the “intelligence explosion”—will be the most important …
Rai finished reading Facing the Intelligence Explosion by Luke Muehlhauser

Luke Muehlhauser: Facing the Intelligence Explosion
Facing the Intelligence Explosion by Luke Muehlhauser
Sometime this century, machines will surpass human levels of intelligence and ability. This event—the “intelligence explosion”—will be the most important …
Rai rated Cesty z úzkosti a deprese: 4 stars

Heinz-Peter Röhr: Cesty z úzkosti a deprese (Czech language)
Cesty z úzkosti a deprese by Heinz-Peter Röhr
Úspěch, kariéra a blahobyt představují pro mnohé naplnění životního štěstí. Navzdory tomu všemu však v naší kultuře trpí stále více …
Rai finished reading Cesty z úzkosti a deprese by Heinz-Peter Röhr

Heinz-Peter Röhr: Cesty z úzkosti a deprese (Czech language)
Cesty z úzkosti a deprese by Heinz-Peter Röhr
Úspěch, kariéra a blahobyt představují pro mnohé naplnění životního štěstí. Navzdory tomu všemu však v naší kultuře trpí stále více …
Rai rated Friendship Is Optimal: Caelum Est Conterrens: 5 stars

Chatoyance: Friendship Is Optimal: Caelum Est Conterrens
Friendship Is Optimal: Caelum Est Conterrens by Chatoyance
A middle-aged woman enamored of 'Equestria Online' confronts what permanent emigration to Equestria - uploading to a virtual existence - …