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2025 Reading Goal

13% complete! gabe. has read 4 of 30 books.

finished reading Agency by William Gibson

William Gibson: Agency (Hardcover, 2020, Berkley) 4 stars

They call Verity 'the app-whisperer,' and she's just been hired to evaluate a pair-of-glasses-cum-digital-assistant called …

Fun read. There were a lot of distractions while I was reading this, which made it a bit hard to keep track of all the characters, but that's not the books fault. Next time, I need to read it in a less distracting environment. Read this one after watching the 1st season of "the peripheral" but w/out having read that book. I'll get to that one as soon as it's available at the local library.

Jonathan Haidt: The Anxious Generation (2024, Penguin Publishing Group) 4 stars

Makes the argument that kids shouldn't have smartphones until they are 16 and social media companies are mostly to blame for the sharp rise in anxiety amongst kids over the past several years, comparing them to big tobacco, they both know their products are hurtful to kids, yet continue to work to get even more and younger kids addicted to their products.