nerd teacher [books] reviewed Throne of the Crescent Moon by Saladin Ahmed (The Crescent Moon Kingdoms, #1)
Would make a better video game.
3 stars
There were some aspects that I wasn't comfortable with, which included random casual sexism that was awkwardly maintained while negated; it was strange, but it was easy enough to overlook because the characters were compelling.
I am intrigued to read further, as this book sets up a lot that needs to be answered; I'm hoping that the next book is much better, as it was given a good foundation to build from. It creates an interesting environment and story, and it left me with a lot of questions regarding the characters. What is the Falcon Prince going to do now? How are Raseed and Zamia going to end up, regardless of what their decisions are? Is the trouble going to follow Dawoud and Litaz? Does Adoulla keep his final oath?
But it really just feels like an introduction to a story? A very lengthy setup for everything that may come …
There were some aspects that I wasn't comfortable with, which included random casual sexism that was awkwardly maintained while negated; it was strange, but it was easy enough to overlook because the characters were compelling.
I am intrigued to read further, as this book sets up a lot that needs to be answered; I'm hoping that the next book is much better, as it was given a good foundation to build from. It creates an interesting environment and story, and it left me with a lot of questions regarding the characters. What is the Falcon Prince going to do now? How are Raseed and Zamia going to end up, regardless of what their decisions are? Is the trouble going to follow Dawoud and Litaz? Does Adoulla keep his final oath?
But it really just feels like an introduction to a story? A very lengthy setup for everything that may come next. And I didn't like that about it at all, which left me frustrated at the end of the novel. They achieved their goal, but a whole other problem has been thrown to them and needs to be solved (see above questions).
Honestly, I feel like this book should be a video game. It has such a great story that it would be adapted easily enough. But only if they did it right.