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Was ist eigentlich ? Mehr als ein exotisiertes aus China und Japan, ist es ein von der Vielfalt asiatischer Kulturen inspirierter Kopntinent der Welt , von geschrieben und derzeit von als Weltenband im auf . Für alle Fans ist der weitgehend systemneutrale Weltenband ein Muss - ich selbst habe auch zugegriffen: https://www.gameontabletop.com/cf3711/pathfinder-2-tian-xia.html

Kaia Sonderby: Failure to Communicate (2017, Going To Mars) 4 stars

[Adapted from initial review on Goodreads.]

3 stars

There's a lot to love about this book: the characters, the worldbuilding, the diversity, the quality of representation, the found-family vibe.

The one thing I feel it fails at is immersion - which is interesting, as it stands in stark contrast to several other autistic-voiced books I've recently read. It's worth noting that with all of those, the deep immersion and emotional intensity made them, at times, difficult to read. Failure to Communicate, by contrast, feels a lot lighter. It's a fun read. Depending on what you're wanting at the moment, that could be good or bad: light and fun definitely has its place, especially when deep and hard-hitting is too much to handle.

My edition also had a distinctly noticeable number of typos. It certainly wasn't unreadable, but I did find it distracting: it could definitely have used another round of proofing.

Selling points: #OwnVoices autistic narrator; nuanced characterisation; …

Corinne Duyvis: On the edge of gone (2016) 4 stars

"In Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in 2034, a comet is due to hit the Earth within …

[Adapted from initial review on Goodreads.]

5 stars

Reading this book is like being dragged through shards of broken glass into warmth and safety. This book is hopeful. It is inspiring. It is important, and it is very much worth reading.

What it is not, however, is an easy read.

Selling points: #OwnVoices autistic narration; a diverse cast, extending to background characters; strong immersion; apocalypse; spaceships.

Warnings: extreme emotional intensity; harm comes to cats (non-graphically).

Ḥanān Shaykh: Occasional Virgin (2018, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc) 3 stars

Huda and Yvonne are on holiday in the Italian Riviera, enjoying the sun and the …

Starts well, but odd final third

3 stars

The Occasional Virgin is an unusual novel that focuses on the, frankly, odd choices made by two outwardly successful women. Both are originally Lebanese, but emigrated in adulthood to Toronto and London respectively. The novel felt as though it naturally fell into three sections of which I loved the first. Muslim Huda and Christian Yvonne are holidaying together in a wonderfully evoked Italian seaside town. We see their reminiscences about their Lebanese childhoods which are dominated by similar repressive outlooks towards women - regardless of their families' differing religions. We also get to join the women simply enjoying the prospect of a holiday romance and eyeing up the local talent. Up until this point, I was happy reading and felt I understood the characters well. I didn't necessarily agree with all their decisions and opinions, but I had settled in for a good read.

When the action switches to London …

Imran Omer: Entangled Lives (Paperback, Roundfire Books) 5 stars

Raza, a poor orphan trapped in the slums of Pakistan, is sent to a strict …

A brilliantly uncomfortable read

5 stars

I was drawn to Entangled Lives by the ambiguous expression in the eyes of the man on its cover and when I discovered that this is an #ownvoices novel written by a Pakistani author, I knew I wanted to read it. Omer has made one of his protagonists a Taliban soldier which I felt was a brave step in the current political climate, especially as this soldier, Raza, tells us his story unapologetically. We follow his life from young orphaned child to American prison camp and so see the realities of life for poor families in Pakistan. Raza's family were Afghan refugees reduced to the most basic existence within Pakistan. And theirs is by no means an isolated case. Over decades from the partition of India in the 1940s to the Russian invasion of Afghanistan in the 1980s and beyond, the waves of migration from people seeking to escape conflict …

John Steinbeck: Tortilla Flat (1997) 4 stars

Tortilla Flat (1935) is an early John Steinbeck novel set in Monterey, California. The novel …

A vivid portrayal

4 stars

I don't often read John Steinbeck but always love his books when I do. I think Cannery Row is still my favourite so far, but there's still lots of his books I haven't read. I bought Tortilla Flat straight after finishing La Perle with the intention of making a slightly bigger dent in the Steinbeck back catalogue this year. Tortilla Flat predates Cannery Row by about a decade and, without being too sniffy I hope, this does show. The novels are geographically very close to each other and their central characters share strong resemblances too. It feels almost as though Cannery Riw is a matured Tortilla Flat. Basically, a group of deadbeats and drunks are scraping by, sometimes by legal means and sometimes in a more shady fashion. I loved the relationship dynamics between the group of friends. They share a convoluted code of ethics where crimes such as theft …