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This looks quite interesting:

Associate Professor Silvia Masiero (IS) and Professor Margunn Aanestad (DIN) will present a seminar on the topic "Digital Identity from Injustice to Resistance"

#^Unfair ID: Digital Identity from Injustice to Resistance
University of Oslo, Sep. 23, 2024 11:15 AM – 12:00 PM

#research #seminar #identity #DigitalIdentity

Back in June I wrote about an exciting confluence of digital auth tech:

(1) The commodification of infrastructure, (2) the emergence of , (3) and the compatibility of both with .

In short, it is now easier than ever to log into web applications using your own website as an identity provider. Or at least, it would be, if your favorite web apps supported these agency-enhancing technologies.


Highlight from our electronic :

➡️ Framing . How the Admission of Refugees is Debated in Six Countries across the World

🔗 https://library.oapen.org/bitstream/20.500.12657/92543/1/9780198904724.pdf

In this book, the authors argue that governments' refugee and parties' stances are largely shaped by how they frame both their country's collective and the identity of refugees.

Edit: the piece is publicly available now!

Together with @shibacomputer and Benjamin Royer, I wrote a detailed research note on the topologies of digital identity systems (siloed, centralised, federated and user-centric) and how thinking derived from topological determinism, common in technical communities, obscures how digital identity systems operate in practice.

To understand the threats of digital identity, we must shift from rigid models and describe the topologies of digital representations as they truly are, rather than as they are purported to be.

Expect surprising twists and turns: DIY identity portability techniques turn siloed identities into centralised ones which allow attackers cascading access; platformisation turns federated identities into centralised ones and de-facto user-centric identities might be more likely to emerge from siloed models rather than user-centric ones. It's a mess. But one we have to reckon with.


Allyson Hobbs: A Chosen Exile (Hardcover, 2014, Harvard University Press) 5 stars

Between the eighteenth and mid-twentieth centuries, countless African Americans passed as white, leaving behind families …

Fantastic read!

5 stars

Allyson Hobbs' "A Chosen Exile" is a profoundly thoughtful look at how #racial "passing" has evolved in the United States and what it can teach us about more nuanced understandings of how personal and racial #identity are influenced by outside legal and social forces. Packed with resources and references this book is a boon of thoughtful research and insights. Beyond the direct message of the book, LGBTQ+ (#LGBTQ) readers can glean astonishing insights into the influences outside racial passing. Finding commonality with the feelings of exhaustion, isolation, and desperation based on social and legal influences. I think this book is a critically important look at American #prejudice and the evolution of American culture.

Allyson Hobbs: A Chosen Exile (Hardcover, 2014, Harvard University Press) 5 stars

Between the eighteenth and mid-twentieth centuries, countless African Americans passed as white, leaving behind families …

Allyson Hobbs' "A Chosen Exile" is a profoundly thoughtful look at how #racial "passing" has evolved in the United States and what it can teach us about more nuanced understandings of how personal and racial #identity are influenced by outside legal and social forces. Packed with resources and references this book is a boon of thoughtful research and insights. Beyond the direct message of the book, LGBTQ+ (#LGBTQ) readers can glean astonishing insights into the influences outside racial passing. Finding commonality with the feelings of exhaustion, isolation, and desperation based on social and legal influences. I think this book is a critically important look at American #prejudice and the evolution of American culture.

The thing that excites me about is ; that doesn't require giving a central authority access to your private data. It's the main problem with ! Things like bots, scammers, data-breeches, censorship, and privacy would all be improved if we didn't need Google to tell us who to trust.

So I'm very interested in the !


> [Verifiable Credentials] allow for selective disclosure of information. For example, instead of handing over your entire driver’s license at a bar (which has a picture of you, your address, etc.), you can selectively disclose that you are of drinking age.
