Allyson Hobbs: A Chosen Exile (Hardcover, 2014, Harvard University Press) 5 stars

Between the eighteenth and mid-twentieth centuries, countless African Americans passed as white, leaving behind families …

Fantastic read!

5 stars

Allyson Hobbs' "A Chosen Exile" is a profoundly thoughtful look at how #racial "passing" has evolved in the United States and what it can teach us about more nuanced understandings of how personal and racial #identity are influenced by outside legal and social forces. Packed with resources and references this book is a boon of thoughtful research and insights. Beyond the direct message of the book, LGBTQ+ (#LGBTQ) readers can glean astonishing insights into the influences outside racial passing. Finding commonality with the feelings of exhaustion, isolation, and desperation based on social and legal influences. I think this book is a critically important look at American #prejudice and the evolution of American culture.