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'Most doctors agree that people in the throes of a psychological crisis must sometimes be detained against their will to stabilize them and prevent harm. These can be tough calls, balancing patients’ safety with their civil rights.

But at Acadia, patients were often held for financial reasons rather than medical ones, according to more than 50 current and former executives and staff members.'


"Although the law requires insurers to offer the same access to mental health care as to physical care, it doesn’t require them to rely on evidence-based guidelines or those endorsed by professional societies in determining medical necessity. Instead, when deciding what to pay for, the government allows insurers to set their own standards."


I've never called myself a " fan"; I listen to things like Pandora, or Spotify's Weekly Mix. I don't stan for any particular artist or genre.

That said, when I go too long without listening to music there's a module of my brain that starts to go a little nutty; it'll pick up a song in the grocery store and hum it for weeks straight.

I think I actually need to listen to music once in a while for my .

Anybody else feel this way?

Q. what is causing the epidemic of anxiety in our young?

Obviously the pandemic & lockdown(s) have played a role as has the increasing pressure on school kids over exams... we might also factor in the pressures of social media.

However, I think its also fair to say that we have become better at recognising mental health as an issue. Part of this epidemic may be a surfacing of a problem that for years went unrecognised or unacknowledged!


"To understand the forces that drive even the most well-intentioned therapists from insurance networks, ProPublica plunged into a problem most often explored in statistics and one-off perspectives. Reporters spoke to hundreds of providers in nearly all 50 states, from rural communities to big cities...It is often the insurers, not the therapists, that determine who can get treatment, what kind they can get and for how long."


You guys were so helpful with the mutual aid for my last two therapy sessions, and I have found an amazing therapist. A good friend suggested I set up a gofundme, so I have, to afford the minimum therapy through the end of the year.

tl;dr previously underemployed person cut to part time/toxic job /disabled / transmasc /neurodivergent /

GFM: https://www.gofundme.com/f/fund-therapy-for-a-brighter-future

Full list: https://linktr.ee/kitcaelsto

🥰 😍 ❤️ 🥰 ❤️

Keanu Reeves signs 1-day contract with OHL team, Windsor Spitfires, to help raise money for mental health

He grew up in Toronto and was born in Beirut
According to NHL.com, the Matrix star was a goaltender and came close to trying out for the Spitfires when he was a teenager — but couldn't because of injury.

