Cults and new religious movements in the US Public

Created and curated by Literally a Blue Cup

Cults (spiritual, economic, political) and new religious movements

  1. The Storm is Upon Us by 

    4 stars

    On October 5th, 2017, President Trump made a cryptic remark in the State Dining Room at a gathering of military …

  2. Cultish by 

    4 stars

    The author of the widely praised Wordslut analyzes the social science of cult influence: how cultish groups from Jonestown and …

  3. When Prophecy Fails: A Social and Psychological Study of a Modern Group that Predicted the Destruction of the World by , , (Harper torchbooks)

    3 stars

    In 1954 Leon Festinger, a brilliant young experimental social psychologist in the process of outlining a new theory of human …

  4. Men Who Hate Women by 

    5 stars

    Men Who Hate Women examines the rise of secretive extremist communities who despise women and traces the roots of misogyny …

  5. Biblical Porn by 

    No rating

    Between 1996 and 2014, Mark Driscoll's Mars Hill Church multiplied from its base in Seattle into fifteen facilities spread across …

  6. American Messiahs by 

    5 stars

    Mania surrounding messianic prophets has defined the national consciousness since the American Revolution. From Civil War veteran and virulent anticapitalist …

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