Anti-doomer reads (climate utopias!) Public

Created by interlibraryprone

Books that are utopian in the sense that we survive and actually mitigate climate change! Suggestions appreciated. <3

No eugenicist stuff plz. I am disabled and have no stomach for "utopias" that imagine the extermination of disabled people kthxbye.

  1. A Half-Built Garden by 

    4 stars

    On a warm March night in 2083, Judy Wallach-Stevens wakes to a warning of unknown pollutants in the Chesapeake Bay. …

  2. The Lost Cause by 

    4 stars

    It’s thirty years from now. We’re making progress, mitigating climate change, slowly but surely. But what about all the angry …

  3. The Ministry for the Future by 

    4 stars

    Established in 2025, the purpose of the new organization was simple: To advocate for the world's future generations and to …

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