Scheibenwelt Public
Created by bodems
Ruhig Blut. Ein Roman von der bizarren Scheibenwelt. by Terry Pratchett (Scheibenwelt)
4 stars
Carpe Jugulum (; Latatian for "seize the throat", cf. Carpe diem) is a comic fantasy novel by English writer Terry …
Fliegende Fetzen by Terry Pratchett (Scheibenwelt, #21)
4 stars
It isn't much of an island that rises up one moonless night from the depths of the Circle Sea -- …
Hohle Köpfe by Terry Pratchett (Scheibenwelt, #19)
4 stars
Nineteenth in the Discworld universe and third entry of the City Watch series, this novel follows Captain Carrot, Commander Vimes, …
Echt zauberhaft by Terry Pratchett (Goldmann TB 41599; Scheibenwelt #17)
4 stars
"May you live in interesting times" is the worst thing one can wish on a citizen of Discworld -- especially …
Helle Barden by Terry Pratchett (Scheibenwelt, #15)
4 stars
"Unadulterated fun." —San Francisco Chronicle
"Pratchett has now moved beyond the limits of humorous fantasy, and should be recognized as …
Lords und Ladies by Terry Pratchett (Scheibenwelt, #14)
4 stars
The fairies are back - but this time they don't just want your teeth...
Granny Weatherwax and her tiny coven …
Eric by Terry Pratchett (Discworld, #9)
4 stars
Discworld's only demonology hacker, Eric, is about to make life very difficult for the rest of Ankh-Morpork's denizens. This would-be …
Der Zauberhut by Terry Pratchett (Scheibenwelt, #5)
4 stars
When last seen, the singularly inept wizard Rincewind had fallen off the edge of the world. Now magically, he's turned …