Andreas Malm: How to Blow up a Pipeline (2020, Verso Books) 4 stars

Why resisting climate change means combatting the fossil fuel industry

The science on climate change …

Brutally bleak subject matter, but inspirational in its drive toward radical agency amidst despair and doomerism

5 stars

This book is not a how-to guide for eco-terrorism. It is a theoretical analysis of the tactics that have been utilized by the climate movement thus far. The author chose a catchy title to suggest that violence against property is something that he thinks is necessary.

Also, I have zero intention of ever becoming an 'eco-terrorist' just because I found parts of this book inspiring. I have no intention of committing acts of criminal violence against property or risking my freedom by doing anything similar. I have a 6-month old kiddo who needs his dad to not be in jail or on the lam.

Having said that, this book is one that I think everyone involved in the climate movement ought to read, even/especially if you don't agree with the central premise of this book: that non-violent pacifism in not, by itself, enough to move the needle on meaningful action …