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Aendil's books
2025 Reading Goal
11% complete! Aendil has read 4 of 36 books.
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Aendil wants to read En ninguna parte by Bae Suah
Aendil finished reading Meditaciones de cine by Quentin Tarantino

Meditaciones de cine by Quentin Tarantino
Probablemente, Quentin Tarantino sea uno de los mayores cineastas de la historia, pero de lo que no hay atisbo de …
Aendil finished reading Mr. Punch by Neil Gaiman

Mr. Punch by Neil Gaiman
"A dark and frightening fully painted novella, Mr. Punch tells the tale of a young boy's loss of innocence results …
Aendil finished reading The Adversary by Emmanuel Carrère

The Adversary by Emmanuel Carrère
The Adversary is a French non-fiction book by Emmanuel Carrère first published in France as L'Adversaire in 2000 by Folio. …
Aendil set a goal to read 36 books in 2025
Aendil finished reading Estuve aquí y me acordé de nosotros by Anna Pacheco

Estuve aquí y me acordé de nosotros by Anna Pacheco
Una brillante radiografía de las dinámicas laborales en el sector del turismo.
El turismo ha cambiado la faz de muchas …
Aendil finished reading Las primas by Aurora Venturini
Aendil started reading The Adversary by Emmanuel Carrère

The Adversary by Emmanuel Carrère
The Adversary is a French non-fiction book by Emmanuel Carrère first published in France as L'Adversaire in 2000 by Folio. …
Aendil started reading Mr. Punch by Neil Gaiman

Mr. Punch by Neil Gaiman
"A dark and frightening fully painted novella, Mr. Punch tells the tale of a young boy's loss of innocence results …